Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term compost, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can determine that it derives from the French "compost", which, in turn, comes from the Latin word "compostum".

The concept, according to the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), refers to the humus that is obtained artificially when organic waste decomposes hot.

CompostIt should be remembered that humus is the substance that is formed in the surface sector of the soil by the decomposition of plants and animals . Compost can include fruit peels, vegetable scraps, pieces of wood and dried leaves, among other materials.

The decomposition of organic waste can be carried out by the action of microscopic or macroscopic agents. Among the first, bacteria and fungi appear, while in the second group we find ants and worms , among other animals.

Compost, once obtained, is a high quality fertilizer . Thanks to the various microorganisms it contains, it contributes to the synthesis of vitamins, enzymes and other substances, being very useful for the soil to enjoy a biotic balance.

To use compost without the proliferation of pathogens, a high temperature is needed. For this reason, at an industrial level, specialized systems are usually built that enable the decomposition of organic waste and the creation of compost without the risk of the presence of pests .

Compost, however, can be obtained at home. In this case, containers known as composters are used, where the conversion of organic waste into compost takes place. These composters, which must guarantee thermal insulation and allow ventilation, are usually made of plastic, although there are various models according to the requirements and needs.

When it comes to preparing and obtaining adequate homemade compost, we can highlight that it is necessary to comply with these recommendations or tips:

-It is vital to choose a good composter.

-You have to be very clear about which waste can be used and which cannot.

-Select the type of composting appropriately.

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore the fact that there are different classifications of compost. However, one of the most common is the one that establishes three clearly differentiated varieties:

-Mature compost, which is characterized because it has a dark color, because it has a pleasant smell and because it has lumps. To all this we can add that this is the one that has been in the composter for at least five or six months, hence it is perfectly decomposed. It can be used in a large number of crops .

-Fresh compost is what is identified because the waste is not completely decomposed. And they have only been in the composter for about two or three months.

-Compost slurry is that which is obtained by introducing mature compost into water and then letting it macerate, moving it periodically, for around ten days. It is used a lot in spring.