Definition of



A comparison involves analyzing the similarities and differences of something.

Comparison (from Latin comparatio ) is the action and effect of comparing . This verb refers to focusing attention on two or more things to recognize their differences and similarities and to discover their relationships . To compare, therefore, is to compare .

For example: “The comparison between the two space rockets shows that the American one is much more advanced,” “No soccer player can resist the comparison with Diego Maradona,” “I found the comparison of the two cases made by the analyst very interesting.” ” .

Characteristics of a comparison

The comparison can focus on physical aspects or symbolic issues. In this way, if you want to compare two people, it is possible to do so from a physical point of view, which will show, for example, that one of them is taller, with a more robust build and more gray hair than the other, or taking their personalities as a reference, after which it could be said that one of the two people is more sociable, tends to express themselves out loud in meetings and establishes bonds more easily.

In any case, comparisons are usually not as precise if subjective features are observed, since the number of variables is too high and it is usually impossible to access all of them. For example, if you want to establish a comparison between two opera singers (something that fans often do with their idols to try to dethrone their competitors), the extension of each voice, its tessitura (the region in which which they move more easily), their color, their shape, the characteristics of their vibrato, the skills and abilities that each one possesses (such as trills, coloratura and the mastery of achieving pianissimo in very high notes), among others.

But in addition to all the technical issues, even if the two voices compared were very similar , personal issues should be taken into account, such as the tastes of each singer, which can lead them to choose one path or another within music, regardless of the capabilities of your instrument. For example, a soprano with clear conditions for romantic music but with a deep love for early baroque music may choose the latter and do her best to adapt her voice to give her best, even though many critics would suggest that she turn to the first.

Venus and Earth

It is possible to make a comparison of physical or symbolic qualities.

The evaluation of services and products

An effective comparison can occur in the field of services , although there are also subjective variables, such as the quality of customer service, since unless it is truly brilliant or very poor, the evaluation will depend on the experience of different people, each one with a unique perception. However, as is often the case with insurance companies and Internet providers, it is possible to prepare comparative tables to compare points such as the registration price, monthly fees, available plans, etc.

Electronic devices can also be subjected to a technical comparison with a high degree of effectiveness, although in this case there are also issues that are difficult to analyze, given that the type of technology used in each of the articles can cause, for example, two processors with the same speed expressed in numbers are not equally capable.

Comparison in grammar

In grammar , comparison indicates three different degrees in adjectives : positive, comparative and superlative. The adjective clean can appear in a positive degree ( “The water is clean” ), in a comparative degree ( “The water in this pond is cleaner than the water in that fountain” ) or in a superlative degree ( “The water in this pond is very clean” ).

The resource of comparison also allows us to create a rhetorical figure known as a simile , which is established with relationship elements such as “which” or “as” : “His hands like hammers destroyed the door with blows,” “The thief was walking on the roofs.” “like a cat in the night.”