Definition of


BuddyThe Latin term compăter came into our language as compadre . The compadre of an individual is the godfather of his child . On the other hand, the father of his godson is also called compadre.

For example: “Tomorrow I am going to go fishing with my brother-in-law and my friend,” “My wife's friend suffered a violent robbery in his house and is now hospitalized,” “I am your friend, I will always be at your disposal to help you.” whatever you or your child need.”

The etymology of compadre is linked to one who cooperates with the father . In the Catholic religion , a person calls the godfather of his child's baptism or confirmation a compadre. Kinship means that the compadre assumes the commitment to assist the father of his godson in caring for him. In the case of the godmother of a child, the child's parents will refer to her as the comadre.

By extension of this meaning, in some countries a friend is called compadre, regardless of the existence, or not, of a kinship bond. Two men who have known each other for thirty years and who have maintained a friendly relationship since then can call each other “compadre.”

Regarding their use in religious sacraments, such as baptism and confirmation, it is important to note that many times the parents of the child who will receive them choose people they barely know to play the roles of godfather and godmother. In other words, compadres and comadres often do not fulfill the role of protecting and advising godchildren or assisting parents, regardless of the promise they have made.

According to the gypsy tradition of Spain, for example, when a child is born, a great celebration is held, attended by all members of the local community. This can take place in the father's or godfather's house, and a banquet with various sweets and liquors is offered. The objective of this ritual is to strengthen the ties between family members and the newcomer , as well as those that unite him with his godfather, a figure of great importance whom they begin to call "compadre."

BuddyEven the idea of ​​compadre is used to call any individual , even a stranger: “Hey, compadre, do you have a coin?” , “Could you tell me the time, compadre?” . This same or a similar meaning may appear in other Spanish-speaking countries or regions, and sometimes the pronunciation is affected by the local accent, so the word does not always sound the same; It is said that in Andalusia, for example, it is sometimes pronounced " ompare ".

In Uruguay and Argentina , on the other hand, the bellicose or fighting man is known as a compadre or compadrito : “He entered my house with the air of a compadre and I kicked him out,” “I suggest you not act like a compadrito with Don Manuel.” ” .

Despite sharing the same language and being within a short distance of each other, the meaning that Spanish-speaking countries give to this term can be quite different, and the same goes for its diminutive. In Peru, for example, not only is a close friend called compadre , but you can also say compadrito to express special affection , while in Argentina and Uruguay the diminutive has a negative connotation.

In the context of a family , the father of a married woman can call her son-in-law compadre , and vice versa. Other forms that this word receives are "compadrote", "compae", "cumpai", "compa", "compai", "compayito", "compita" and "compi".