Definition of



The spelling sign used to separate elements in a sentence is called a comma.

The idea of ​​a comma is used in multiple ways depending on the context. The term can refer to the orthographic sign ( , ) that allows you to separate certain elements in a sentence: interjections, vocatives, enumerated objects, etc. It is also used to differentiate between possible meanings and to establish the preposition of a sentence element.

Suppose a woman leaves her husband a note to let him know that she is out with her friends and will be back for dinner. In the text he writes: “I went to have a snack with Marcela, Ana, Carla and Magalí. “I will be back before 8 p.m.” As you can see, the woman uses a comma to separate the names she lists: Marcela (comma) Ana (comma) Carla and Magalí.

Depending on the sentence, the use of commas in our language may be absolutely necessary to give the words the right meaning; Likewise, the omission of certain commas can considerably alter the meaning of a message , even making it opposite to the intended one. For example: "the boxes that are on the table" does not have the same meaning as "the boxes, which are on the table"; The first sentence speaks of "some boxes", which, unlike the others, "are on the table", while in the second "there are only boxes in that place, on the table".

Different uses of the comma

The need to use commas in written communication is far from being a whim of academics, but rather it is a fundamental element of our language, which also affects the way in which we express ourselves orally. In speech, the intonation of the two phrases set out in the previous paragraph is very different; Broadly speaking, we can say that in the second we must pause where the comma is and go down a few tones before continuing speaking.

In other languages, such as English and Italian, the comma also plays a very important role in writing and speaking, although its use differs. For this reason, part of studying a foreign language is learning to use spelling signs , both those we already know and new ones.


Coma is a conjugation of eat: "My doctor recommended that I not eat so many French fries."

Its use with numbers

This sign can also be used to distinguish, in a number, the integer part from the decimal part . For example: 3.5 ; 586.3 ; 98.569187 .

It is known that in some parts of the world a period is used instead of a comma to separate whole digits from decimals, but this is not correct in our language. However, given that the period usually predominates on the Internet, it is very common to find it in articles in Spanish, even in newspapers and publications of relative importance.

Coma as a conjugation of the verb eat

Coma, on the other hand, is a conjugation of the verb comer , which refers to the action of chewing and swallowing food .

“My mother doesn't want me to eat hamburgers because she says they are unhealthy.” y “I think that nothing I eat between now and the end of the holidays will be able to surpass this excellent ceviche” son frases que muestran este uso.

The notion in medicine

In the field of medicine , a state characterized by the loss of the ability to make voluntary movements, sensitivity and consciousness is called a coma. The concept, in this case, comes from the Greek word kôma , which translates as “deep sleep.”

The person who is in a coma, therefore, is unconscious and cannot move. It is a syndrome linked to a serious alteration of brain functions.

The state that causes an alcohol overdose is called ethyl coma . Generally, ethyl coma occurs when the blood alcohol level exceeds 300 mg/dl, although there are certain factors directly related to resistance to this substance, such as the age of the subject, their metabolism, the amount they have consumed. in a given period and the variety of drinks you have mixed.