Definition of



The city of Colonia is one of the main tourist destinations in Uruguay.

A colony is a group of people who come from the same territory and who settle in another. The term is also used to name the place where these people settle and, by extension, the territory that is dominated by a foreign power .

For example: "The colony of Ecuadorians in Madrid does not stop growing" , "The Welsh founded a large colony in Patagonia at the beginning of the last century" , "This country was a British colony for a long time" .

Colony as a group of immigrants

It can be said that immigrants who settle in a country form a colony of their nation of origin. In this way, all Germans living in Uruguay form a German colony in Uruguayan territory.

This meaning of the term, of course, has no correlation with a dominion or administration of Germany on Uruguayan soil. On the other hand, in a political sense, the notion of colonialism refers to the control of a territory by a foreign colony. Brazil , for example, was a Portuguese colony until 1822 .

A type of perfume

A cologne or cologne , on the other hand, is a perfume that is composed of aromatic essences, alcohol and water.

«My grandmother gave me a cologne for my birthday» y «I'm going to put on some cologne and I'm ready» son expresiones que reflejan este uso del término.


In a summer camp, children can do different activities.

summer colony

It is known as a summer colony , for example, to a residence to which many parents send their children during their summer vacations , with the purpose of them carrying out various recreational activities, such as excursions, swimming , outdoor games. free, sports and contests. One of the main objectives of these organizations is to promote the inclusion of the youngest in their environment , outside the generally hostile environment of the school, without the pressure of obtaining good grades or impressing the teachers, since the neighborhood is a space to disconnect from the obligations of the rest of the year.

But the summer camp not only offers the possibility of joining a group of people of the same age to share moments of leisure and contact with nature, but it can also serve as a means of learning or reinforcing a foreign language. It is very common for colonies in Spanish-speaking countries to offer English courses for natives and Spanish for foreigners, and their effectiveness is enhanced thanks to the exchange of face-to-face contact with people from other countries.

Socialization beyond school

The summer camp is the ideal place to create friendships based on tastes and hobbies that are not so present in the school environment; It is especially beneficial for those children and adolescents who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to interact with people their age in their daily lives, thus missing out on a wealth that cannot be replaced by dealing with adults.

Despite all the positive points, the summer camp brings together the little ones in facilities supervised by adults, and this entails a series of risks that must be taken into account when choosing an institution. It is very important that parents meet with tutors and managers, to get to know them and judge their suitability for themselves, since they will be in charge of nothing less than the lives of their children. On the other hand, children should always have the last word regarding the final decision: if they do not feel comfortable with the experience, forcing them to face it can cause very deep damage.

Other uses of the term colony

The group of animals of the same species that live together in a certain territory and, in some countries, a neighborhood or city are also called a colony.

Colonia del Sacramento (popularly known as Colonia ) in Uruguay and Colonia in Germany , lastly, are cities.