Definition of



The last straw can be associated with something that outrages or exhausts.

The notion of high has several uses, according to the etymological origin attributed to the term. When colmo comes from the Latin word cumŭlus , it can be used to name that which protrudes beyond the limits of the container that contains it.

High, in this sense, can also be what completes or exhausts something . In colloquial language, a thing is said to be the last straw when it reaches an instance or a state that cannot be overcome , or that reasonably should not be overcome.

For example: “This is the last straw! This restaurant is increasingly more expensive and its portions are increasingly smaller” , “That in the midst of the economic crisis the deputies have increased their salaries is the last straw” , “The police complain about insecurity: it is the last straw” .

The last straw associated with discontent or indignation

In this sense, the term is used to denote a certain degree of discontent regarding the situation being described, which can range from astonishment to deep indignation . Returning to the examples in the previous paragraph, the contradictory evolution of the prices and quality of a restaurant's products can cause its customers to stop visiting it, but it cannot harm them or put them in danger; It is said that it is the worst because the situation is absurd and unacceptable.

When we enter the field of politics and corruption , things change. The numerous cases of leaders who illegally enrich themselves at the expense of citizens' contributions provoke adverse reactions that can be associated with feelings and sensations such as anger, disgust and disappointment; When describing one of these many stories using the term last straw , the tone of the message is much darker and heavier.

Something similar happens with the ineptitude of the security forces of certain countries, since it puts the entire population at risk. We should never accept that police officers, who guarantee us safety on public roads and intervention in any extreme situation that threatens our freedom and physical integrity, leave their obligations aside. If, in addition to not working responsibly, they complain about the insecurity that they themselves feed, we find ourselves facing the ultimate last straw.


A last straw is a type of riddle with a joke. For example: «What is the last straw of a broom? Being allergic to dust.

A type of riddle with a joke

There are a large number of jokes that revolve around this concept. They generally begin with a question that seeks to find out what a person is, either by mentioning them by name or by referring to a stereotype or professional occupation.

For example: «What is the height of a hairdresser? Missing the train by a hair", "What is the last straw for a pharmacist? Let his wife be called Remedios. It is also possible to talk about objects, places and other concepts: «What is the bottom of a broom? Being allergic to dust», «What is the last straw in Sweden? Stockholm», «What is the height of bad luck? "Not having a last straw."

Colmo as a conjugation of colmar and other uses

Colmo and colmó (with an accent on the last O), on the other hand, are conjugations of the verb colmar , which refers to completing the capacity or measure of something: “I would like to know if I meet your expectations or if you would like to be with someone different” , “The stadium was filled with the new presentation of the English band” , “The beach was filled with tourists during the long weekend” .

Another possible etymological root of colmo is found in the Latin culmus . In this case, the straw used to cover cabins is called straw. By extension, the roof made of straw, usually made of rye, is known as colmo.

Alfredo Colmo , finally, is the name of a renowned Argentine jurist who was born in 1868 and died in 1934 .