Definition of



When you fill a glass, its capacity is completed.

The Latin word cumulāre , which can be translated as “to pile up” , is the immediate etymological antecedent of colmar . The first meaning of this verb mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to filling the capacity of something .

When you fill a container, in this way, there is no more space left in it. That is why what is added ends up exceeding the limits .

Fill a glass

Many times the idea of ​​filling is linked to filling a glass, a cup, etc., with a liquid . By filling it, the content reaches and exceeds the edges.

Suppose someone is pouring beer into a chop (a type of jug used to drink this alcoholic beverage). The chop in question has a capacity of half a liter; Thus, when that measure of beer is reached, the glass is complete. Therefore, the guy who is pouring the beer into the chop will make it full if he serves up to that level.

Material or immaterial abundance

The concept of filling can also be used to refer to granting something in abundance to another person. What is given or received, in this framework, can be material (such as clothes or books) or immaterial (happiness, peace).

Let's take the case of a couple that has a little daughter named Laura . Every time the couple 's parents come to visit, they do so with many gifts for the girl. That is why the man can comment to his wife: “I know that when my parents or yours visit us again, they are going to shower Laura with gifts.”

In this example , someone is showered with objects. In any case, it is also possible to fill in something abstract: “The reunion with my boyfriend is going to fill me with joy,” “Thanks to the beach vacation, I managed to fill myself with tranquility and now I have renewed energy to face everyday problems. .


Showering someone with gifts means giving them many gifts.

Filling as full satisfaction

Another use of the notion of fulfilling is linked to the absolute satisfaction of a longing, a desire or an ambition . By fulfilling a certain pretension, nothing more is needed in that sense.

Let's imagine that a singer dreamed of recording an album , achieving it in a certain year. A decade later, his discography includes eight albums, he has toured internationally and several of his songs reached first place on the most important charts. Faced with this reality, and when remembering his beginnings, the artist comments: “I never thought I would fulfill my aspirations in this way.” With this he expresses that, although he wanted to be successful, he did not expect such an event, which is why he does not desire to achieve more than what he has.

A city in France and a town in the United States

Colmar is the name of a city in the French region of Alsace . It is the administrative capital of the Haut-Rhin department, in the northeast of the territory of France .

With an area of ​​almost 67 square kilometers, Colmar has about 70,000 inhabitants. The sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi (creator of the Statue of Liberty ) and the writer Georg Wickram are among the personalities born in this place.

Colmar Manor , finally, is an American town that is part of the state of Maryland . It is located in Prince George 's County and has less than 1,500 residents.