Definition of


Men's necklace

The necklace is an accessory that is placed around the neck

The etymology of collar takes us to the Latin word collāre , in turn derived from collum (which translates as “neck” ). A necklace is an ornament that is placed on the neck .

Neck accessory

It is an accessory that surrounds the neck and, depending on its size or extension, can be worn tight in the throat area or reach up to the chest . Sometimes it resembles a chain , although there are necklaces that include various decorations (such as beads or beads , a cross , a pendant , etc.).

Necklaces can carry symbolism. Many times, especially when they are complemented with a medal , they allow the wearer to be distinguished or highlighted: the person wearing the necklace has a special merit that allowed him to access it. However, the usual thing is that the necklace is simply an accessory to the wardrobe or an ornament.

Nowadays, necklaces are usually worn by women . Anyway, there are also men 's necklaces and unisex necklaces . The differences are usually centered on design and materials, although with the advancement of culture the line that divides the sexes is increasingly blurred and we are approaching an era in which each individual dresses and behaves as they really need.


The origins of the necklace are prehistoric. In fact, this accessory is much older than other more common accessories, such as the bracelet and the ring . There are specimens from the Paleolithic era that date back more than one hundred thousand years. In ancient times, they were made from bones , stones , shells or teeth . As the years went by, pieces of metals such as copper or gold began to be included.

Just as today, in its origins the necklace was also associated with the image of women, although there are plenty of examples of civilizations in which men also wore this accessory , such as some indigenous peoples, Egypt and Rome . Starting in the 15th century, on the European continent men stopped wearing necklaces unless it was an honorary object.

In ancient civilizations, especially in Rome, there were three well-defined types of necklace: collare, torques and monile . The first was used to recognize slaves who, after an escape attempt, had been recaptured. The torcs were awards for bravery received by meritorious soldiers, who were also distinguished with the name milites torquati . They were generally made of gold, although silver was also used. According to a letter written by the emperor Publius Licinius Valerian , its weight was one pound of gold.

The monile , finally, were exclusive to women and were used in Egypt. In fact we find them in most of his statues, even in those of men and gods. It is estimated that the Egyptians enjoyed this ornamentation , which included berries, fruits and feathers. The barbarians and Etruscans also wore similar necklaces, although their materials were precious stones and pearls.

Dog collar

It is common to put collars on domestic dogs and cats.

Animal collars

It should be noted that there are other uses of the necklace concept. The ring that fits around the neck of a dog or cat to restrain it and prevent it from getting lost or escaping is called a collar. An Elizabethan collar , meanwhile, is a protection that is placed on the pet's neck to prevent it from licking a wound or removing a bandage.

In birds , the collar is the strip of feathers that some species have on the neck. These feathers are a different color than those of the rest of the body.