Definition of


Work team

Collaborators are essential for a project to prosper, an objective to be met or a business to develop successfully.

Collaborator is anyone who helps or collaborates in a task or situation. This is someone who, in practice, provides assistance in the development of a certain task. According to the definitions included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , this word is used to describe the person who, despite not being part of the team of stable editors of a printed media, contributes texts of usual way.

Every collaborator (or collaborator , in the case of a woman) is important because whoever occupies that role contributes to speeding up times, solving possible problems and accompanying on a day-to-day basis a subject who leads a group or requires, for some reason, the support or help of someone (or more than one individual) in order to be able to focus exclusively on their main activity and not have to be distracted by multiple matters or assume numerous responsibilities. They have a team of collaborators , for example, rulers, elite athletes and top-level artists, to name a few cases as reference.

There are several types and profiles of collaborators (which we will refer to in the following paragraphs) and there are various characteristics that are evaluated when selecting them for a project or job. Although differences arise in relation to the functions to be performed, the tools available and the challenges of each, it is always desirable that those who agree to carry out a certain collaboration are properly prepared for the task, and are willing to continue training as part of their professional evolution. /professional and have technical, communication and social interaction skills.

Types of collaborator

When considering what style of task they are given, what link or work agreement their intervention is framed in, and what space, position, or role they occupy within a business structure, each assistant can be classified into different categories.

A social collaborator is defined, for example, as the entity or person who is involved in some corporate social responsibility action and, in this way, makes a constructive contribution to the company or the community in general. They are usually a voluntary collaborator who makes an effort and dedicates part of their time to an activity for which they do not receive money in return.

The figure of an external collaborator , meanwhile, falls on one who cooperates, advises or collaborates on specific tasks , as happens with independent workers (freelancers), consultants, etc.

If they are personnel who work in a company or organization on a stable basis and receive financial compensation in exchange for their contributions, then they are considered internal collaborators .

In addition to those mentioned, remote collaborators , temporary collaborators and permanent collaborators , among others, are recognized in practice.

working group

Every member of the work team, regardless of the task or role they assume, must contribute to the group in terms of cooperation, organization, communication, collective harmony and work well-being.

Roles and skills

Every company , entity and relevant personality has at least one collaborator . That is, they manage the hiring of a subject (or reach an agreement with him to agree on conditions and remuneration) with the aim of adding productivity and competitiveness .

These assistants, as long as they demonstrate commitment and responsibility towards the challenge assumed, are necessary and valuable because, generally, they are in charge of issues related to the planning , organization and/or development of a meeting , presentation or similar.

They can even assist in decision-making or conflict resolution and be decisive in the framework of a negotiation .

To get an opportunity as a collaborator and remain in that position, it is essential to inspire trust and be loyal. You must also have a proactive spirit and relate to everyone with respect , empathy and dialogue .

Joint tasks

Collaboration, assistance and help within a team allow group objectives to be achieved in less time and in a better way.

Keys to being a good collaborator

One becomes a good collaborator if he manages to function efficiently regardless of the task to be carried out at each opportunity, if he adapts without problems to teamwork and if he manages to ensure that his participation or intervention within an office or as someone's personal advisor is translate into evolution , growth and success .

It is about, from the position of collaborator , promoting and sharing ideas that help overcome obstacles, provide motivation to overcome adversities and move forward together along a path of prosperity. By showing signs of creativity , emotional intelligence , perseverance , camaraderie , good communication, enthusiasm, positive values ​​and own initiative, you can be considered as an excellent candidate with the chance of becoming a collaborator of a company, association or public figure.

On the other hand, those who receive the collaboration must not lose sight of the importance and need to take care of good collaborators so as not to lose them. Keeping them satisfied and satisfied with their role is imperative and is achieved with rewards, compensation and benefits (with a good salary or extra monetary incentives, vacation days, flexibility in terms of workload, etc.).