Definition of



Social cohesion is linked to consensus, a sense of belonging and integration.

From the Latin cohaesum , cohesion is the action and effect of things adhering or joining together . Cohesion, therefore, implies some type of union or link.

For example: "The coach highlighted the cohesion of the team in the most complicated times" , "We must have cohesion if we want to overcome adversity" , "I don't like this recipe since the ingredients do not have cohesion" , "The gubernatorial candidate assured that will work for the cohesion of the entire province .

Social cohesion

For sociology , social cohesion is the sense of belonging to a common space or the degree of consensus among the members of a community . According to the social interaction within the social group, there will be more or less cohesion.

An egalitarian and fair society will have a high degree of social cohesion , since its members are part of the same group with common interests and needs. On the other hand, if society has great inequality, there will be no cohesion and citizens will have opposing behaviors.

Social cohesion assumes that both the governing and governed parties perceive the relationships that exist between them as fair; In the best of cases, the decisions of the leaders will be respected and valued by the people, while the concerns and needs of the latter will be taken into account and resolved by the former, and everyone will feel the desire to fight to defend the common interest. .


Cohesion implies some type of union.

Measurement through tests

Pearson's rank coefficient and Kendall's are two of the non-parametric statistical tests that can be used to measure the cohesion of a group and consist of the comparison of the scalar results of a number of questionnaires about a common variable on two occasions. different sampling methods, or two different but related variables .

When talking about various social groups, we can say that one of them is a state of cohesion if its members have ties that unite them to others and that make their group a single entity. Although the word cohesion is made up of several factors, it is possible to distinguish the following fundamental components: the emotional level of the members; relationships at work level; the unity that is seen among the members of a given group; social relations.

Social cohesion problems

One of the most common social cohesion problems is social discrimination and it can be studied from different perspectives within sociology, such as symbolic interactionism (a microsociological current of thought that tries to understand societies through communication), conflict theory (in which variables such as power, status and interests intervene) or functionalism (theoretical current that is based on field work and mass communication).

In Latin America and the Caribbean, for example, this concept arose as a result of problems that could not be resolved by other means, such as: the high rate of indigence and poverty; the various forms of social exclusion and discrimination, which have their origins in a remote past; inequality at extreme limits. It is important to understand that if there is no acceptable degree of social cohesion, even genuine attempts to improve the conditions of society can be destined to inevitable failure, due to not having the necessary basis of communication and cooperation.

The notion linked to molecules and the content of texts

The cohesion between molecules , on the other hand, is related to the forces of attraction and the bonds that are created according to their characteristics. For this cohesion to exist or not, forces of attraction, repulsion and adhesion, among others, come into play.

Textual cohesion , finally, is the characteristic of texts that implies that their sentences or fragments are linked to each other through elements that establish semantic relationships. Thanks to the cohesion between sentences, the text can be organized and makes sense.