Definition of


Classroom coeducation

All students receive the same education and the same respect

Coeducation is the process that develops when coeducating . This action (coeducate), meanwhile, consists of educating students of both sexes in the same classroom and using a single educational system , without gender differences.

Equal education

Also known as mixed education , coeducation is a method that is based on equality between boys and girls (or between men and women). Therefore, it implies not discriminating or establishing a hierarchical relationship that entails privileging one sex over another.

Through coeducation, it is sought that the feminine reality and the masculine reality are incorporated into the educational process under the same conditions , although recognizing their particularities. Thus, coeducation is antagonistic to differentiated education .

Left behind differentiated education

It is important to keep in mind that, while currently most educational establishments in the Western world opt for coeducation, long ago differentiated education predominated. Only in the 1960s did coeducation expand to all educational areas, leaving sexism aside and privileging tolerance and respectful relationships.

At first, differentiated objectives were proposed for education according to sex: that is, boys were educated for certain things and girls for other issues. Furthermore, it was understood that mixing men and women in the same classroom was immoral. This perception mutated in tune with social changes until it led to the rise of coeducation, considered more enriching, valuable, useful and fair.

Advantages of coeducation

Unlike other concepts, we could not speak of "disadvantages" in this case, since coeducation is a path towards equal opportunities for all people regardless of their sex or gender. This is represented in many aspects, starting from the fact of allowing everyone to coexist in the same room .

The first advantage that we can mention is that all students receive the same treatment, or at least this is one of the pillars of coeducation : regardless of their sex or sexuality, the teachers' language towards them should be the same for everyone. , clean of sexist phrases, condescension or any other trait that indicates a lack of respect or confidence in their abilities to learn.

In this way, the doors are opened to an equally egalitarian future , which can be seen outside the academic field, both throughout the student stage and later, when the time comes to start working. If everyone receives the same theoretical and practical training , in an ideal world they should also enjoy the same job opportunities, although humanity has not yet reached that point in its evolution.

Coeducation work

Coeducation is the first step towards labor equality

In special education

People with special needs represent one of the most vulnerable sectors of society, and cases of inequality become more evident in their education. For this reason, it is essential that teachers strive to create a space of equal opportunities , and that they demand from their superiors the tools they believe are necessary to achieve this.

In this framework, information and communication technologies are very useful, a group that includes computers, programs and other devices that allow telecommunications and computing to be integrated to process knowledge. In a classroom where students have different problems facing learning , the gap can be pronounced if the method is traditional; The objective in this case is to apply a system designed to reduce obstacles so that everyone has a similar experience.