Definition of



Coadyuvar is associated with helping or contributing.

The verb contribute refers to making a contribution so that something is realized or developed. The etymology of the concept refers to the Latin word adiuvāre , which translates as "help."

For example: "I am not going to help in this process , the only thing it will do is create more problems for our city" , "I am willing to help in everything that is necessary for the project to go ahead" , "The lawyer stated that "Wants to help with the procedures for creating the civil association."

Assist in the law

The idea of ​​contributing is used in the field of law . The subject who is part of a process to defend his interests but who is in a position of subordination with respect to one of the parties, which he assists instrumentally, is known as an intervener . The intervener, in this framework, joins this party's claim but cannot act autonomously with respect to it.

The entry of the intervener into the judicial process is based on the legal link he has with the party he intends to assist. This link, furthermore, is related to what is the subject of debate in the litigation. That is why the act of contributing is not solidarity, but is related to the benefits conferred by the relationship with the party, put at risk depending on the result of the sentence .


In medicine, there are treatments whose function is to assist in a process.

The term in medicine

In the field of medicine , finally, adjuvant treatment is called that which contributes to a process, complementing and reinforcing the action of the main treatment.

The objective of adjuvant treatment , which is also known as adjuvant therapy , is to contribute to the search for a solution to a disorder or disease, as a supplement or complement to the main treatment. Thanks to these secondary procedures, the effect of the latter is enhanced and its dose can be reduced as the patient improves.

The factors that decrease with the application of a treatment that contributes to the main one are several, and among them the following three stand out:

* side effects : in the field of medicine, this is the adverse reaction that a patient may have to a specific medication that they must consume as part of a treatment. Another name by which this concept is known is side effects , and always refers to a negative and unexpected reaction to a stimulus that, in principle, is applied for positive purposes;

* toxicity : it is the ability of certain chemical substances to generate negative effects on a living being when they come into contact with it. It is important to note that there is no chemical substance that can be left out of this classification, since all of them can produce this effect, depending on the dose in which they are administered . In this case, adjuvant treatment helps to reduce the toxicity of the medications;

* tolerance : although this term is usually associated with positive issues, such as the acceptance of other people's differences in a society, in the case of pharmacological treatments it refers to the phenomenon by which a medication becomes less effective the more it is used. consume. In other words, when a substance is administered with a certain frequency, the patient becomes less sensitive to it and, therefore, requires an increasingly higher dose to achieve the same effects .

Therapy to help in cases of cancer

In the particular case of cancer, in various of its forms, we speak of adjuvant or adjuvant therapy to refer to a treatment considered additional that is applied after the primary one.

Its objective is to reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease . This may include radiation therapy, targeted therapy, hormonal therapy, biologic therapy, or chemotherapy.