Definition of


The term we are dealing with we have to explain that it is an Anglicism. Specifically, it must be established that it is an English word that derives from Old Frisian, exactly from the word "kleppa", which can be translated as "embrace."

The concept of clip refers to a utensil that is used to hold or group papers . Clips are usually made of a wire that bends on itself and works as a type of clamp .

clipsFor example: "I need a paper clip to gather all the house insurance documentation," "Have you not seen the rental contract?" "There are three or four sheets held together with a clip," "The old man kept the few photographs he had left of his wife inside a drawer, gathered together with a clip."

It is interesting to know that the origin of the clip is in the 19th century. And it was in 1867 when the American Samuel B. Fay created something similar to the paper clip with the clear objective of being able to hold labels on textile garments.

We would have to wait until 1877 for the American Erlman J. Wright to patent the first object or clip that was created solely and exclusively to hold papers. Of course, it is considered that the first patent for a clip very similar to the one we know today as such was produced in 1899 by the Norwegian Johan Valeer.

Clips are used to temporarily gather together various loose papers . If the intention is for these papers to remain grouped constantly, it is preferable to fasten (staple) them or resort to binding.

Although the most common clips are made with steel wire, there are clips of different materials, thicknesses and sizes. The choice of one or another clip depends on the type and quantity of papers to be held.

In addition to everything explained, you may be interested in knowing other singularities or curiosities about the clip. Among those is that the largest in history, so far, measures 6 meters long and weighs approximately 1 ton. It is on display in Florida, specifically in Massachusetts, although it was manufactured in Canada in 1998.

In the field of computing , the image of a paper clip is used to indicate that an email has an attachment . This means that a certain file is added to the text of the message, as if it were a photograph or other document attached with a clip to a letter.

The term clip is also used with reference to a video clip or video clip . It is a short audiovisual material that usually has a promotional purpose: "The Mexican singer filmed his new clip in Miami" , "The heavy metal band's clip was censored for its violent content" .

We cannot forget either that CLIP is the name of a center in the Basque Country that specializes in Educational Innovation. So much so that it has the following "last name": Continuous research at the service of Education.