Definition of



The classic can be linked to the traditional.

The Latin term classĭcus came to Spanish as classic , an adjective that has different meanings. The first meaning mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the time period in which a people, a culture or an artistic expression reach their maximum degree of development .

It is known as Classical Antiquity , in this sense, the Greco-Roman period where great advances were recorded. It is generally considered to begin in the 5th century BC and extend to the 2nd century AD , encompassing this part of the history of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome .

It can be said, at a general level, that the classic is worthy of admiration and imitation . He is part of a class that is considered superior and therefore serves as a model .

The classic in art

In the artistic field, a creator or a work can be called classic due to its high quality or its popularity . For example: "Agatha Christie's novels are a classic of detective literature" , "James Cameron is the director of several of the most important classics of contemporary cinema" , "The White Album is a Beatles classic" .

In the previous examples we can see different nuances in the use of the term "classic": on the one hand we have those works that were launched on the market many years ago and that, due to their great success, have become items worth remembering more. beyond his time ; But there are also creations that captivate the public immediately and receive this qualification even shortly after being presented.

In this case we can talk about instant classic , a concept widely used in the field of cinema, video games, music and literature. Given the subjective nature of art , on the other hand, this honorific label is not a guarantee of quality for all consumers; In fact, it is often granted for convenience, for certain economic interests, which means it has absolutely no weight.


Classical music is music developed by lyrical singers and symphony orchestras.

Something typical or traditional

What respects established norms and traditions or is typical is also classified as classic: "I like to wear classic clothes, nothing outlandish," "We decided to sell the classic furniture and buy avant-garde pieces."

Classic products have a style that does not break with fashion, that does not attract attention but rather fits perfectly and fulfills its function without generating changes. This can be considered a positive factor for the most conservative people, but negative for those who are always looking for new experiences in life.

Needless to say, the classic style is not inherently positive or negative , but is simply one more that anyone should be free to choose or reject without this bringing criticism or contempt. However, in the reality of many elitist fields (and some, not so elitist) it is always viewed with greater esteem than the avant-garde .

classical music

Classical music , for example, is a very particular concept. Firstly, it is usually used to refer to "academic music", to contrast it with "popular" music; This means that these are not necessarily the works that were composed during musical classicism, but rather the pieces that must be performed by symphony orchestras, pianos and lyrical singers.

Even though a classical work has no inherent value, people often respect classical music more than contemporary music, forgetting that at one point in history it was also contemporary and popular .

The term in sport

In several countries , classic is a match or sporting event of great importance, which usually pits highly competitive competitors against one another.

"Boca Juniors and River Plate will be the protagonists tomorrow of a new edition of the Argentine soccer classic" is an expression that shows this use.