Definition of

Digital citizenship

Ethical use of technology

The idea of ​​digital citizenship is associated with the ethical use of technologies.

Digital citizenship is a concept that does not have an exact or precise definition. The notion is linked to access to information and communication technologies ( ICT ) to generate, receive and exchange information online; develop online competencies and skills; and participate in political and social life through the use of the Internet .

It is important to indicate that the term citizenship has several uses. It can be related to the right and status of citizen; to the total number of citizens of a certain nation; and to the conduct that is considered consistent with a good citizen.

As you can see, to understand what citizenship is, you must first focus on the idea of ​​citizen . This is how one who lives in a city is mentioned and the subject who is considered an active member of society, subject to what is dictated by legislation and creditor of political rights.

Digital , on the other hand, is an adjective that comes from the Latin word digitalālis . In this case, we are interested in its meaning as related to the systems and devices that create, save and transmit information that is stored as a combination of bits.

What is digital citizenship

A digital citizen, in short, can take advantage of technological resources to get involved, in various ways, in the affairs of their community . This means that, in addition to accessing ICT , you are trained to use them.

To build digital citizenship, an active role of the State is needed. On the one hand, contributing to the development of connectivity infrastructure and bringing the necessary devices closer to vulnerable sectors. On the other hand, promoting the training of people in this matter.

Technological training

In a hyperconnected world, media and computer education is essential for the construction of digital citizenship.

Reduce the gap and promote literacy

It can be noted that, without state commitment, digital citizenship does not exist. In a world where millions of inhabitants cannot satisfy their basic needs, thinking that access to ICT is a simple individual decision is a utopia .

At a general level, it is usually understood that the State must work to narrow the digital divide . This gap arises when access and use of ICT is unequal depending on the social group.

The digital divide includes both the issue of infrastructure (cabling, devices, etc.) and training . In addition to having the possibility of connecting to the network , people must have the necessary knowledge to exploit the full potential of the instruments available.

The narrowing of the digital divide, therefore, must be associated with a digital literacy process . The premise is that subjects are trained to handle hardware and software , thus appropriating ICT for their growth.


Internet trolls attack digital citizenship.

Digital citizenship and responsibility

It is important to indicate that, in the process of construction and implementation of digital citizenship, the responsibility of each citizen comes into play when using the tools. In this sense, digital citizenship is related to good behavior in the virtual environment .

Respecting the privacy and opinions of others, not spreading fake news , sharing truthful information from reliable sources, and reporting discriminatory actions that incite hatred are some of the suggestions from specialists to contribute to coexistence in the world. digital world.

Digital responsibility must be present on social networks. It is important to act according to netiquette (netiquette) and communicate respectfully. It cannot be overlooked that cyberbullying is a widespread problem that affects a large number of people.

Cyberactivism is often present in online communities . When the defense of a cause or an idea becomes an attack on those who think differently, cyberspace becomes a violent environment . Therefore, just as in the physical world, online behavior must adhere to codes of conduct so that there is harmony. A good digital citizen avoids aggression and behaves respectfully.

The link with the State

The idea of ​​digital citizenship, as we have already indicated, is also associated with the use of emerging technologies to interact with State organizations and actively participate in political life.

This online citizen participation includes the use of programs or applications (apps) to access public information and carry out procedures in state offices, for example. Digital participation in some cases includes electronic voting .

In this information society, it is essential that those in charge of the State administration take care of the data privacy of citizens, while also preserving the security of the e-government . It is essential to establish online security mechanisms to safeguard people's personal data and digital identity , minimizing cyberattacks and crimes such as phishing.