Definition of



Citizenship confers rights and obligations.

Citizenship is the quality and right of citizenship ( "Citizenship is not respected in this country" ); the group of citizens of a nation ( "The representatives have listened to the demands of the citizens" ); and the behavior typical of a good citizen ( "The businessman, showing off his sense of citizenship, donated thousands of pesos to the children's soup kitchen" ).

A citizen is an inhabitant who is subject to political rights. These rights allow you to intervene in the government of your country through voting . Citizenship also implies certain obligations and duties (such as respect for the rights of others).

Citizen action must be responsible, peaceful and self-regulated. Its main objective is to improve public welfare . Actions that only seek individual benefit, on the other hand, are not linked to citizenship.

Full citizenship

Lto full citizenship de todos los ciudadanos es imprescindible para el buen funcionamiento de una democracy. Si algunos ciudadanos no pueden votar (por cuestiones de religión, etnia, sexo, etc.), la democracia falla y los postulados de la ciudadanía no se cumplen.

This allows us to remember that, throughout history , the notion of citizenship was mutating. In Ancient Greece , for example, the only citizens were men with the ability to acquire weapons and defend the city. Women, slaves and foreigners were not considered citizens.

Today's democracies , on the other hand, usually consider all men and women over a certain age (usually 18 years old) to be full citizens.


Democracy requires the full exercise of citizenship.

An action by the Spanish government

It is interesting to know that in Spain, in 2006, the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero approved a subject for primary and secondary education called Education for Citizenship . A subject that was committed to promoting a tolerant, just society that defends human rights and freedoms.

However, after President Mariano Rajoy came to power, the minister of the aforementioned area suppressed that subject in favor of another that was called Constitutional Civic Education , which has been rejected by a large part of society since it avoids issues such as social inequalities and, however, addresses issues such as the private economy or what is called exclusive nationalism.

Citizenship letter

In addition to all this, we cannot ignore that there is what is known as a citizenship letter , also called a nature letter . It is a document that allows you to acquire the nationality of a specific country and is characterized, in the case of Spain , by having an ex-gratia nature, that is, it is granted without subjection to any type of precept.

In the aforementioned country we have to state that those over 18 years of age, the legal representative of any individual who is less than 14 years old, anyone who is over 14 years old and assisted by their legal representative, and also the person can request the letter. who is incapacitated either by herself or through her aforementioned legal representative.

Likewise, to request it, you must submit an application and along with it must be documents such as the birth certificate of the spouse if it is Spanish, the marriage certificate and the birth certificate of the interested party.