Definition of



Circular is that linked to a circle.

Circular has its origin in the Latin word circularis and allows us to name that which belongs to or is related to the circle . As an adjective, it is used to refer to any object that has a rounded shape, even those that are not perfectly circular, since it mainly serves to refer to the lack of corners or angles.

The process that seems to have no end because it ends at the same point at which it begins is also known as circular: "It is a circular conflict, we are always returning to the same causes," "The writer surprised with a circular story that leaves many open doors » , «This circular story has me fed up» .

The verb circular also refers to walking or moving around , coming and going or passing from one side to another : "The police ask pedestrians not to stop moving so that the rescue teams can arrive more quickly , " The news did not take long to circulate among the main leaders of the party .

Circulate as order or letter

A circular, on the other hand, is an order that an authority directs to its group (circle) of subordinates . The concept is also used to refer to letters or notices addressed to a group of people or to the community in general to inform about something: "The company published a circular denouncing pressure from the government," "I just received a circular of a political movement that promotes taking the power to demand building improvements" , "Juan is writing a circular that we will have to distribute throughout the neighborhood so that all people know what is happening with the hospital funds."

This last meaning is widely used in the area of ​​neighborhood communities , as a tool that presidents take advantage of to inform all owners and tenants about various proposals and measures that they plan to implement to improve coexistence or to solve specific problems, among others. odds. It is the responsibility of each person to read the circulars carefully, to be aware of the issues related to their building and thus be able to participate in community decisions.


A vinyl record is circular in shape.

a type of movement

Circular or circumferential movement is known as movement that is based on an axis of rotation and a constant radius, so that its trajectory draws an imaginary circle. When it is the particular case that its speed of rotation is also constant, a uniform circular motion takes place.

Let's look at some of the concepts on which dynamics and kinematics are based to describe circular motion:

* Axis of rotation : this is a straight line that serves as the center of rotation. It should be noted that it does not always remain fixed, but for each particular moment it represents the axis of the rotary movement . The point that defines it in relation to the trajectory that you want to analyze is called the center of rotation ;

* Arc : is the space traveled in the trajectory or the arc of unit radius used to measure the angular displacement, taking the fixed axis of rotation as the starting point. It is expressed in radians;

* Angular velocity : the magnitude by which the angular displacement varies per unit of time (represented with the lowercase letter omega);

* Angular acceleration : the magnitude by which the angular velocity varies per unit of time (represented by the lowercase letter alpha).

There are also three magnitudes of great relevance:

* Angular momentum : it is equivalent to the momentum or linear momentum , concepts belonging to rectilinear motion;

* Moment of inertia : a quality dependent on the distribution of mass and the shape of bodies;

* Moment of force : also known as torque , it is the application of force by the distance with respect to the axis of rotation.