Definition of



Vehicular traffic can be referred to as circulation.

Circulation is a term that comes from the Latin circulatio and that refers to the action of circulating (belonging to or relating to the circle or that seems to have no end, since it ends at the same point at which it begins). Par excellence, traffic on public roads is known as circulation.

Circulation, therefore, is the transit or traffic of vehicles . This vehicular flow determines daily life in large cities since, depending on traffic conditions, congestion can be generated that causes the loss of a variable number of hours a day for those who must travel by this means. When traffic jams are considerable, traffic stops, vehicles cannot move forward.

Traffic rules

Depending on traffic regulations applied to two-way roads, authorities may require traffic to remain on the right or left, to improve the flow of vehicles and reduce the risk of head-on collisions; This organization is known as the direction of circulation , and is of great importance worldwide. Taking into account the number of inhabitants of the entire planet, approximately 34% drive on the left, while the remaining percentage drives on the right side of the road.

A total of 163 countries support right-hand driving , which has the following characteristics:

* vehicles coming from the front are located to the left of the driver's field of vision;

* left turns must cross oncoming traffic ;

* most traffic signs are located on the right side of the roads;

* roundabouts must be circled counterclockwise;

* Pedestrians should first look to the left before crossing a two-way street;

* the lane for normal driving and for right turns is the right;

* most two -way highways have right-hand exits;

* overtaking other vehicles is generally allowed only on the left, although there are exceptions;

* Most vehicles have the driver's seat on the left;

* a right turn is allowed on a red light after coming to a complete stop;

* On roads without a pedestrian path, pedestrians are advised to walk on the left.

On the other hand, there are 76 countries that require driving on the left, whose characteristics are equivalent to those just explained, simply with the directions reversed.


Blood circulation is an essential physiological function for human life.

The concept in economics

The concept of circulation is also used in economics to name the movement of wealth (money, products, actions, etc.).

In a growing economy, there is greater circulation (there is more spending and investment), while, in times of recession, circulation is reduced.

blood circulation

Another use of the notion is linked to blood . Blood circulation is the physiological function of humans and most metazoan animals, which consists of the exit of blood from the heart through the arteries, its distribution throughout the body (to provide the cells with substances necessary for its normal functioning) and its return to the heart through the veins.

Some of the most common circulation problems in humans are caused by the accumulation of lipids on the walls of blood vessels, and times of high heat make us more prone to suffering from these types of disorders. A good tip to avoid them is to eat a low-fat diet and not consume too much salt in your meals .

The circulation

The circulation, print run or print run of a newspaper or magazine, finally, is the number of copies that are printed and go on sale.

For example: "This newspaper has a circulation of 100,000 copies per day."