Definition of


race track

Many motorsports competitions are held on circuits.

Originating from the Latin term circuitus , the word circuit can be used to name the land that has been located within a certain perimeter . Of course, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) also details other meanings: a circuit is a route that is carried out in a closed curve and that is established for the development of automobile competitions, or any type of route that ends in the same place. in which it begins.

For example: "The Brazilian driver won the Monaco street circuit" , "The motorcycles reach a speed of almost 200 kilometers per hour in certain sections of the circuit" , "Tomorrow we will tour the Villa Elisa tourist circuit" , "The government "he committed to improving signage in the cultural circuit of the old town."

Circuit in electronics

In electronics , a circuit is an element made up of various conductors and through which the current of electricity passes. Typically, the circuit has devices that produce or consume this electrical current.

They are made up of various elements, such as resistors , capacitors, transmitters, and voltage and current sources. This class of circuits are analyzed through algebraic methods .


An electronic circuit is an element that interconnects various components and allows the passage of electricity.

Other types

Among the different types of circuits, in addition to electrical circuits, we can mention pneumatic circuits , magnetic circuits and printed circuits .

Pneumatic and hydraulic circuits differ from each other by the fluid they transmit their forces .

In tires the fluid in question is a gas , while in hydraulics it is a liquid . In both cases the fluids are compressed and transmit greater forces .

Just like the electrical ones, this type of circuits have a series of components, which are called generators (they are those that by compressing the fluid allow energy to be obtained for the correct functioning of the entire system), regulation and control valves (they are They open and close to allow the necessary flow of fluid) and actuators (they convert the fluid into a force that motivates the movement of the element to be moved).

Magnetic circuit and printed circuit

A magnetic circuit , for its part, is the one found in magnets and solenoids. It is a system where forces that leave from the North, after traveling through the entire magnetic field, re-enter the system from the South. It usually works similar to an electrical circuit.

A printed circuit is called a plate with an insulating texture that is made up of several copper tracks that allow the interconnection between certain components that make up the circuit.

The concept in logic and at the electoral level

Logic , for its part, speaks of switching circuits that have various contacts, which appear to represent the different input logic variables. The loads, for their part, represent logical output variables.

We can also mention the electoral circuit , also known as a constituency, which covers all the voters who are part of a certain district according to a certain administrative or political division, a culture, a territory or another type of differentiation.

speech circuit

The speech circuit is the one we use to communicate with our environment ; It is made up of audio messages and images. This circuit is affected by elements such as the difference in language between the communicator and the receiver, the noise of the medium, disabilities of one of the parties, or the emergence of third parties in the communication.

Language is the way in which we establish contact with what surrounds us, by communicating our ideas, emotions and opinions; It can be of several types: verbal, signed or written. The verbal is what is represented through speech and where its circuits are the language codes that we use, signs and other elements that make up oral communication.

Several subjects inevitably intervene in the speech circuit, these are: sender (the one who sends the message), message (what the sender says) and receiver (the one who listens to the message and decodes it for understanding). In a word, the speech circuit is the exchange of information between two or more individuals and the external agents that influence said communication .