Definition of


The term cinema has various meanings linked to cinematography : the recording and display of moving images on a screen . Cinema, therefore, can be the art and technique of cinematography.

CinemaHe who dedicates himself to making films is a creator of movies or films . Generally, films consist of telling stories, for which actors can be used to play different characters and whose actions are recorded by cameras. After an editing and editing process, the film is finished.

According to its characteristics , it is common to distinguish between commercial cinema (which aims to capture the attention of the mass public), auteur cinema (focused on the director's decisions) and experimental cinema (with little or no narrative structure). ), among others.

In the same way, we cannot ignore other types of cinema among which we can highlight the following:

-Animated film, which, as its name indicates, is characterized by the fact that animation techniques are used. This gives rise to what are films that are commonly known as cartoons.

-Environmental cinema, which is characterized because it refers to the relationship between man and Nature.

-Documentary cinema, which is based on images taken from reality. Hence, on many occasions, it is confused with reports.

In addition to everything stated above, it is worth highlighting some interesting facts or curiosities about cinema, such as the following:

-The famous Lumiére brothers were the ones who shaped the cinematograph, based on the previous inventions of Thomas Alva Edison and William Dickinson, which gave shape to the incandescent lamp and the kinetoscope respectively.

-The origin of cinema as a spectacle is considered to be at the end of the 19th century. Specifically, on December 28, 1895 in Paris. And it was that day when the aforementioned Lumiére brothers presented a series of documentary images such as the famous departure of the employees from the factory and that of a train.

-Another key figure in the history of cinema is Georges Mélies who used cinematograph to create a true spectacle to which he added special effects.

-It is considered that the most complicated scene to film in the entire history of cinema was that of the chariots that appears in the film “Ben-Hur” (1959).

A set of films is also called cinema. In this way, if someone talks about Iranian cinema , for example, they will be referring to all films originating in Iran . The cinema of Steven Spielberg , for its part, is the set of films that this filmmaker directed and/or produced.

Cinema, finally, is the name of the physical space equipped with a large screen where films are projected, which also has seats so that spectators can sit. Cinemas generally offer other services that complement the experience, such as the sale of candy.