Definition of


CoolThe term cool has multiple uses that vary according to each region . In some countries , cool is an adjective that is used to describe what is excellent, pleasant or pretty .

For example: “Have you seriously won first prize? Cool!" , “This place is really cool” , “We had a cool time at my uncles' house” .

Cool can also be someone who is tolerant, accommodating, considerate, or pious : “My boss is cool: I've been working with him for two years and I've never seen him angry,” “Last year's teacher was cool, but the current one wasn't.” , “What happened to you, Joel? “You were cool before.”

The idea of ​​cool, in short, is used in various contexts and with different nuances. A person may respond that he or she feels “cool” when another person asks how he or she is. If someone wants to emphasize the positive of something or someone, they can use the term very cool : “This is a very cool gift! Thank you very much for remembering my birthday.”

The concept, on the other hand, appears in the names of several products and works. There are radio stations from Venezuela , Peru and El Salvador called Chévere . In Argentina , there is the Chévere brewery . El Chévere , on the other hand, is a restaurant in New Jersey ( United States ).

Cool Studio, Chévere Fitness & Events, Merida Chevere, Club Sausing Cool… Como se puede advertir, una gran cantidad de emprendimientos llevan en su name esta palabra que siempre tiene una connotación positiva. Al evocar cuestiones agradables o felices, su uso se multiplica en marcas, empresas, negocios, etc.

CoolThis term falls into the category of those that sneak into many countries through the media and allow some people to access a small portion of another culture , even if they cannot understand it one hundred percent. In the parts of Latin America where "chévere" is not used, they know this word and can understand its basic meaning, since they have heard it countless times in soap operas and movies, in addition to having read it in many of the great works of literature. literature of the continent.

In Spain, for example, many people born in the decades before the 1980s became familiar with this term through a song by Gaby, Fofó and Miliki in whose verses it was repeated as a happy sound that helped accentuate the rhythm. These three artists were the creators of the company known as Los Payasos de la Tele , which continued the family heritage, which dates back to the 19th century. Many of his songs reached children and adults from various parts of the world, and were recorded in their memories forever, such as El auto de papa , La gallina turuleca and Hola, don Pepito .

Broadly speaking, if we look for neutral language, we can say that some of the synonyms of the term "cool" are "great, great, perfect, precious and divine", among others. When we are positively surprised with news or a gift, when we discover a place that we love or after experiencing a very pleasant situation, we usually use these and other adjectives so that others know that we feel very good, very comfortable.

In every language, in every culture, there are meeting points when it comes to expressing ourselves that show us how little importance walls have. This also occurs between different species, since we share needs, sensations and feelings with many of our terrestrial companions. When we feel happy or satisfied, it is natural to try to share our time with other living beings, to enhance our well-being and spread it. Whether or not we use the word “cool,” the sensations it evokes are common to all people and animals.