Definition of


RanchThe term chakra comes from the Quechua word chakra . It is a concept used on the American continent to refer to a farm .

Farms, therefore, are farms or rural haciendas . They are generally dedicated to raising livestock or carrying out agricultural activities and have one or more buildings where the workers live.

There are farms that are managed and operated by a family group. In other cases, however, they constitute an undertaking of a community or even a commercial company.

These ventures have the necessary structures and equipment to carry out their tasks. Typically, they focus on food production , although they can venture into other areas, such as tourism and energy generation.

Sometimes, the idea of ​​a farm is used to refer to a rest house . These properties are located in rural or rugged areas and are used by their owners during weekends and holidays .

There is, on the other hand, the concept of ranch , which is often confused with that of farm because there are no tangible differences like those that exist between "housing" and "hotel", for example. There are those who consider that the ranches have a considerably larger area than the farms, but this is not the most important or decisive parameter to distinguish them, rather we must focus on their activities.

The ranch is defined as a rural establishment in which more than one sector is generally exploited, one of its main differences with the farm. If we go back for a moment to the time of Spanish colonization, this name was given to the settlements of the colonizers. As the decades passed, these spaces came to belong to the so-called landowners , their owners, who received them as prizes for different merits of great importance.

Today, there are very numerous companies that have their own ranches, many of them buy them in foreign countries to take advantage of the properties of their soils, their climates or to obtain lower prices. Needless to say, the stays of large multinationals are more than considerable.

Returning to the farm, it is not enough to observe its dimensions to rule out the possibility that it is a ranch, but it usually belongs to a family group and is used for the production necessary for own consumption, or for regional sales that pursue one's own sustenance. economic, rather than the organization of a large company. This, added to its tendency to dedicate itself to a single type of exploitation, makes it "a personal version of the ranch", regardless of the number of hectares over which it extends.

RanchThe concept of chakra , on the other hand, appears in Eastern philosophies and Hinduism . A chakra, according to these beliefs, is an energy center of the body that is responsible for the regulation of emotions, the psyche and organic functioning.

According to the doctrine , between six and seven chakras are recognized in the human body, whose energy cannot be measured. These points extend between the base of the spine and between the eyebrows .

The names of the six chakras are as follows: muladara , between the anus and genitals; suadishtana , next to the navel; manipura , between the stomach and the spleen; anajata , at the midpoint of the chest; vishuda , in the larynx; añakia , between the eyebrows.

The postulation of a seventh chakra was only made in the 19th century . This chakra, however, is not usually located on the body level.