Definition of

educational center


The school is an educational center of great importance.

The two words that give shape to the term that we are now going to analyze can be said to have their etymological origin in Latin. Thus, on the one hand, center emanates from the noun “centrum”, which was used to define “the center of a circle, the node of an object or the center of something”.

On the other hand, educational is a word that has been formed from the union of three Latin parts: the prefix “ex”, which acts as a synonym for “out”; the verb “ducere”, which is equivalent to “guide”, and finally the suffix “-tivo”, which can be translated as “passive or active relationship”.

What is an educational center

Among the multiple meanings of the term center , then, we find the one that refers to the place where people meet for a certain purpose . A center, in this sense, is a physical space (building) that allows meetings and that offers certain services or benefits.

Educational , on the other hand, is that belonging to or relating to education (the process of socialization of individuals). When a person accesses education, they receive, assimilate and learn knowledge, in addition to acquiring cultural and behavioral awareness from previous generations.

An educational center , therefore, is an establishment intended for teaching . It is possible to find educational centers of different types and with different characteristics, from a school to an institution dedicated to teaching trades to a cultural complex.

For example: “My father works in an educational center as a German teacher” , “Marta wants to attend an educational center to learn computers” , “The teachers at the educational center will go on strike for an indefinite period of time to demand better salaries” , “ “I learned to draw in an educational center in the neighborhood where I lived when I was a child.”


Different types of instruction can be given in an educational center.

Classification according to ownership

Teaching center, teaching center or educational institution are other synonyms of the term that we are now analyzing. It is also important to know that there are various types of spaces of this kind, the most significant being the following:

• Publicly owned. As its name indicates, these are educational centers that are characterized by the fact that it is the government of a country, a region or a city that is responsible for supporting and managing them using money that comes from public funds.

• Privately owned. In this case, this category includes all educational centers that do not have any type of agreement with the public administration and that, therefore, are maintained thanks to private funds.

• Of concerted private ownership. This type of center is a mix of the previous two, since it is supported with part of public funds and part of private funds.

The school, the most important educational center

The school , as an educational center, offers any type of instruction. The notion allows us to name both the teaching (which is given or acquired), as well as the group of teachers and students or the method or doctrine of each teacher.

There are general educational centers and others aimed at certain population groups (for children, for adults, etc.). Educational centers can also be distinguished by the type of instruction they offer, with different levels of generality.