Definition of



A celebration is a celebration.

Celebration is a term originating from the Latin celebratĭo . The concept refers to the action of celebrating (celebrate, commemorate, praise, revere, hold a meeting or event). For example: “As part of the celebration for the centennial of the institution, the neighbors were able to enjoy a concert by Marco Miguel Castro,” “I invite you to the celebration of my birthday: it will be next Friday at 5 p.m. at the Multicolor Hall” , “Two thousand police officers will be in charge of providing security during the match” .

A celebration, therefore, can be a party , an event or another type of festive event. Its objective is to remember or commemorate an event or honor a person . A birthday party, a meeting for the anniversary of the founding of a club or the inauguration ceremony of a new cultural center are examples of celebrations.

The person who organizes the celebration is the host , who usually takes care of the party expenses. The host decides who to invite to their celebration, usually choosing from among their friends and family. Some celebrations are massive while others are smaller and more intimate.

Celebration in religion and sport

Within the religious sphere, the term in question is also used. Specifically, we speak of a penitential celebration to refer to all those commemorations that take place within the Church and that are very important for its faithful, as would be the case of Easter.

Furthermore, in the sporting field, it is common to talk about celebration when referring to the way teams celebrate the achievement of any relevant league championship or trophy. Thus, for example, we can establish that the Real Madrid soccer team held a grand celebration in 2014 to mark their tenth Champions League win, after defeating Atlético de Madrid in the final.


The wedding celebration is a very important event for a couple.

A praise or acclamation

The notion of celebration is also used as a synonym for praise or acclamation . In this sense, celebrating someone or something means saying a positive comment.

“You don't have to celebrate that type of behavior because they are dangerous”, “The play, although it did not end in a goal, was celebrated by the public” y “The boy's words were celebrated by his parents, who approved of his opinions.” muestren este uso de la noción.

Movie "The Celebration"

Likewise, within the field of cinema, there is a very important feature film whose title is precisely “The Celebration.” In 1998, the world premiere of this film took place, directed by Danish director Thomas Vinterberg, which is recognized as the first of the well-known Dogme 95 movement, which is committed at all times to not resorting to the use of technology or special effects.

This film brings us closer to a family celebration that turns into a tragedy. Specifically, it tells how a family is celebrating their father's sixtieth birthday. However, the whole party will collapse when one of the children admits to those present that he abused him during his childhood and also his sister, who recently committed suicide.