Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term cavitation, it is necessary to first discover its etymological origin. In this case we can establish that it is a word of Latin origin that can be translated as "action and effect of forming cavities" and that it is the result of the sum of three clearly delimited components:

-The noun "cavus", which can be translated as "hollow".

-The suffix «-tas», which is synonymous with «quality».

-The suffix «-cion», which is equivalent to «action and effect».

In the field of physics , the process that results in the appearance of bubbles in a fluid due to pressure changes is called cavitation.

CavitationThis phenomenon means that, under certain conditions, the liquid changes state , becomes gaseous and then goes back to the liquid state. Cavitation, therefore, takes place in two phases : from the liquid to the gaseous state and from the gaseous to the liquid state.

Cavitation generally occurs in a hydraulic system that generates an abrupt change in velocity of the liquid. The fluid, in this situation, loses pressure and the molecules change to the gaseous state, generating cavities or bubbles. These bubbles move to the areas of the liquid that have higher pressure and finally implode, suddenly returning to the liquid state.

Cavitation causes vibrations, noise and even damage to the surfaces that contain the liquid, as it generates erosion .

In the field of aesthetics, cavitation is used to treat cellulite and eliminate localized adiposity on the thighs, abdomen, arms and other parts of the body. Through a device that generates cavitation, the bubbles are made to implode to break the fibrosis, generate the rupture of the fat cell membrane and thus eliminate the lipid content through drainage and the metabolic processes themselves.

When talking about aesthetic cavitation, it must be established that there are three different types:

-Stable cavitation, which is very similar to what is known as liposuction but has the advantages that it is less painful and allows you to obtain great results in the short term. This type is considered to be traditional cavitation.

-Double cavitation, similar to the so-called traditional one, but differs because it applies double waves of frequencies that are different and combine.

– Intraadipocyte ultracavitation , which is based on low-frequency ultrasound.

Although cavitation is considered a truly advantageous and appropriate aesthetic alternative, it must be taken into account that it is not suitable for everyone. Thus, for example, it is established that neither women who are expecting a child nor those who have skin problems nor those who have problems related to their kidneys should resort to it. Not to mention people who have a pacemaker.