Definition of



The mouth is known as the oral or oral cavity.

The hollow area found in a body or object is called a cavity . Biology recognizes different cavities in the human body: the largest is called the abdominal cavity .

This cavity, which is also present in various animals , provides space for a large number of organs, such as the kidneys, liver and stomach, among others. The abdominal cavity is protected by the peritoneum, a membrane that covers it.

More human cavities

Above the abdominal cavity is the thoracic cavity , which is usually called the thorax . The heart, lungs and other anatomical structures are located in this cavity. The pelvic cavity , for its part, is located below the abdominal cavity and contains the rectum, urinary bladder, and reproductive organs.

Other cavities present in the human body are the cranial cavity (where the brain is housed) and the orbital cavity (which houses the eyeballs).

the mouth

Medicine, on the other hand, uses the concepts oral cavity or oral cavity to refer to the mouth, one of the most important parts of our body since it is through it that we enter food. Likewise, when we suffer from an oral disorder, our daily activities can be seriously affected: life is not easy if we cannot eat and drink normally, nor if it is difficult for us to speak or smile.

Among the problems that most frequently affect our oral cavity are the following:

* cold sores : it manifests itself in the form of sores around the mouth and on the lips that generate very intense pain. The cause of cold sores is a virus;

* mouth ulcers : certain viruses or bacteria can cause the appearance of these ulcers, which are very painful;

* thrush : also known as oral candidiasis . It is a candida infection , the scientific name for a yeast, a fungus, that can live inside the human body. Its most obvious symptoms are white spots in the mouth;

strong>* leukoplakia: when excessive cell growth occurs in the mucosa of the tongue, gums or cheeks, white patches form. This disorder of the oral cavity is very common in smokers;

* dry mouth : the consumption of certain medications and the presence of some diseases can lead to an abnormal decrease in saliva in the oral cavity;

* alitosis : this problem is known in everyday speech as bad breath , and it can generate great complications in the daily life of an adult, especially if they have activities that require them to interact with other people.


Any hole or orifice can be called a cavity.

Treatment of disorders affecting the oral cavity

Regarding the treatments of these and other disorders of the oral cavity, they vary depending on the problem and the clinical history of each patient.

It is very important to respect the main prevention measures: brush your teeth after each meal, trying to remove all food remains and massage well the area where the teeth come into contact with the gum ; use dental floss and mouthwash.

A mollusk chamber

In mollusks, on the other hand, there is the pallial cavity . It is a type of chamber that contains various organs and where others flow.

Depending on the species, this cavity may have muscles that allow the animal to squirt water to escape if it is faced with a threat.

Cavity as a synonym for hole

The idea of ​​cavity, finally, can refer to any gap, hole or opening .

For example: "In the middle of the hill there is a large cavity that was formerly used as a shelter by slaves who escaped from the plantations in the area" , "I dropped my keys in that cavity and I can't recover them" , "The speleologist "He intends to reach the bottom of the cavity."