Definition of



The idea of ​​flow can be associated with money or goods.

Caudal is a term that has two different etymological roots. When it comes from the Latin capitālis (that is, "capital" ), it can be used to identify the estate (understood as the set or accumulation of wealth), money or financial capital .

Based on this use of the concept, there are other related notions. A safe , for example, is a private enclosure often referred to as a safe (the secure compartment for storing valuables that is very difficult to open for those without authorization). A cash truck , on the other hand, is the armored vehicle that is reserved for the transportation of large sums of money and other valuables.

The flow rate as well

In this sense, of wealth as a synonym for assets , we must highlight the fact that the term is very frequently used in a colloquial way to refer to the amount of money or possessions that an individual in question has. Thus, for example, you can say: "Miguel had a good financial position, it was said that he had a significant wealth as a result of inheritances and his work."

And all this without forgetting the existence of what is known as relict wealth , which are those that a person has left behind after their death.

A level or quantity

The flow rate, likewise, is also the amount or level of a certain substance that passes through a certain place during a certain period of time . For example: "Be careful: this river has a very significant flow and can be dangerous" , "I think there is a problem in the pipe since I turned on the tap and we have little water flow."

In a similar sense, computing appeals to the concept of flow to refer to the bandwidth capacity (the greater the flow of information, the more space is occupied).


The flow of a river is the level of water it has at a given time.

The flow as that linked to the tail

The second etymological origin of caudal has its origin in the Latin cauda and indicates that which is associated with or refers to the tail . Caudates or salamanders belong to the order Caudata and are amphibians characterized by having tails with pronounced development.

In this area of ​​zoology we have to emphasize that the concept of flow is also usually associated with the word eagle . In this way, when we talk about the tail eagle , what we are doing is referring to the well-known golden eagle , one of the most important birds of prey that exist throughout the world that is characterized because it can reach a speed in diving flight. up to 300 kilometers per hour.

In astronomy , caudates are comets whose tail can be seen through vision . The star Gamma Hydrae is often known as the tail of Hydra because of its location in its constellation.

The term in verbal expressions

To all of the above we must also add that the term we are addressing is used in some regions as an integral part of a verbal phrase: "to make someone's wealth"

In this case, what is being expressed with it is that one person in question has appreciation and good esteem for another. Thus, for example, one could say: "Eva loved Mary because she had always been by her side, supporting her and because she knew of her good qualities."