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Definition of brave

Brave is an adjective that refers to someone who is brave. An individual with bravery or courage is brave. Some examples Let’s look at this word, not very common in everyday speech, in context through the following examples: “The woman, brave, did not hesitate to jump into the sea to rescue the old man who had fallen […]

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Definition of strenuous

Denodado is an adjective used to describe something that is courageous, determined or brave. The term comes from denodarse, a pronominal verb that is currently little used and refers to making an effort or taking risks. Energy, daring Denodado, therefore, shows energy or daring. The concept can also refer to sacrifice and self-denial. The […]

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Definition of praiseworthy

The concept of praiseworthy comes from the Latin word laudabĭlis. It is an adjective that refers to that which is worthy of praise. The second meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines it as a feminine noun: a refreshment that was given out in certain universities because of a […]

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Definition of morality

Morality is the adherence of an idea or an act to the principles of morality. The term comes from the Latin word moralĭtas. Before moving forward, it is important to define what morality is. This is what is associated with the actions of an individual by virtue of their connection with evil or […]

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Definition of servility

The notion of servility is associated with servileness: that which is characteristic of a servant (a slave or someone who is subjected). The concept allows us to refer to the position of someone who is absolutely subordinate to something or someone. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, a second meaning of this term refers to […]

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Definition of servile

The adjective servile, derived from the Latin word servīlis, is used to describe something related to servants. A serf, meanwhile, is a slave, an individual subject to a feudal lord or a subject who is totally subordinate to something or someone. The idea of ​​servile, therefore, is usually used in reference to someone who is […]

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Definition of bonhomie

The French word bonhomie came to our language as bonhomie. The term refers to the kindness, cordiality and simplicity of an individual. Bonhomie, therefore, is a quality of personality and a trait that can be seen in behavior. Those who have this characteristic act in a supportive manner, […]

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Definition of execrable

Execrable is that which, due to its characteristics or condition, is susceptible or deserving of execration. The term has its etymological root in the Latin word exsecrabĭlis. Deserving of criticism To understand what the idea of ​​execrable refers to, therefore, we must first focus on the concept of execration. This is what is called […]

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Definition of magnanimous

The adjective magnanimous, which has its etymological origin in the Latin word magnanĭmus, is used to describe someone who possesses or shows magnanimity. Magnanimity is, in turn, the term for goodness or benevolence. A magnanimous individual, in this way, is altruistic, generous and/or merciful. What characterizes a subject with these qualities is also called magnanimity.

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Definition of intemperance

The Latin word intemperantia came to Spanish as intemperance. This is the name given to the absence of moderation or restraint. Intemperance appears when someone lacks temperance and gives free rein to their passions. In general, the term is associated with the lack of restraint or inhibitions in the face of negative or violent emotions. For example, intemperance is a term used to refer to the absence of restraint or inhibitions in the face of negative or violent emotions.

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