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Definition of professionalism

Professionalism is a concept that is formed with the adjective professional (referring to that linked to a profession) and the suffix –ism (which, among other things, allows the formation of nouns that refer to a condition, a quality, a situation or a system). A profession, meanwhile, is a trade or occupation whose exercise involves […]

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Definition of pawn

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes a dozen meanings of commitment. The term comes from the Latin expression in pignus, which can be translated as “in pledge of.” The first meaning mentioned in the RAE dictionary indicates that pawn is the act and result of pawning or pawning. The verb pawn, meanwhile, […]

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Definition of friend

A friend is someone with whom you maintain a bond of friendship. Friendship Friendship is a relationship based on sincere and detached affection that is shared with another person. Two individuals are friends when they maintain this kind of bond that is based on affection and respect. The construction of the […]

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Definition of independent

Independent is an adjective that is used to describe someone or something that lacks dependence: that is, that does not depend on someone or something. The concept is associated with freedom and autonomy, although its scope depends on the context. Independent country An independent country, in this framework, neither depends nor […]

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Definition of free

Free is a term that can be used as an adjective to describe what is free or as an adverb to refer to that which has no cost. What is free, meanwhile, is achieved, carried out or offered free of charge. Priceless Something free has no price since it is granted or dispensed without financial compensation. […]

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Definition of meekness

The Latin word mansuetūdo came into Spanish as meekness. This is what the quality of meek is called. Docile character The term tame, meanwhile, refers to the docile and peaceful character of a person or an animal. When the notion refers to a thing, it refers to the fact that it is or is calm or quiet. Returning […]

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Definition of meek

Meek is an adjective that can refer to someone with soft characteristics. This is just one of its meanings. Etymology and meanings The term meek has an interesting etymology: it comes from the Latin mansus, which means "domesticated" or "docile." Over time, this word has acquired different meanings in Spanish, among […]

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Definition of haughty

Altivo is a term that derives from tall (elevated, raised or very tall). It is an adjective that can be used to refer to someone who is haughty or arrogant. Disdainful and contemptuous It can be said that a haughty individual is someone who, due to his or her ability, talent or socioeconomic position, feels superior to the rest of […]

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Definition of impenitent

Unrepentant refers to someone who commits sin repeatedly and without repentance. This is only the first meaning of this term, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Unaltered behavior Unrepentant is one who maintains the same attitude or behavior despite the suggestions and warnings of […]

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Definition of helpful

The adjective helpful is used to describe someone who is dedicated to serving with care and promptness. In general, the individual who is always willing to help and please others is mentioned in this way. Some examples Let's look at the term in three example sentences: “John is a very helpful boy, […]

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