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Definition of interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are part of the human skills that are part of the set of soft skills. They encompass all the skills, qualities and abilities that allow someone to forge good social bonds and achieve optimal social interaction. They are essential to build solid ties on a daily basis […]

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Definition of righteousness

Righteousness refers to the quality of being upright, upright, and fair in behavior and actions. In moral terms, it implies acting in accordance with ethical principles and values, showing honesty, sincerity and probity in all situations. A righteous person adheres to ethical standards and does not deviate from what […]

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Definition of social inclusion

Social inclusion is essential to ensure that all people, without distinctions of any kind, can be guaranteed the same rights and have the same variety of opportunities and spaces to function within a society. It can be put into practice through public policies that promote the integration of each individual who, […]

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Definition of spontaneity

Spontaneity is the human quality that arises from the spontaneous, instinctive reaction, typical of someone who acts naturally, without inhibitions and in a visceral but responsible way. It is an attribute of those who allow themselves to freely express what they think or believe and, when it comes to acting, they show […]

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Definition of inclusive education

Inclusive education is an instruction model conceived and designed to take into account the needs of each person in relation to the teaching and learning process. Its purpose is to guarantee universal literacy and educational equity. Children, young people, women and men have the right to education, which is why it is essential that each State implements […]

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Definition of permaculture

Permaculture is a holistic methodology that aims to develop sustainable environments and spaces. It is a system that revolves around the design of productive areas taking into account various ecological, social and economic principles. Permaculture can be understood as a discipline that promotes the creation of areas suitable for production […]

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Definition of code of conduct

Code of conduct is the name of a tool that is used in numerous areas to establish guidelines and guidelines that must be complied with and respected on a mandatory basis. This expression, as deduced from theory, encompasses rules and regulations that are adopted in companies, entities, associations and public organizations in order to maintain […]

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Definition of unbreakable

Unbreakable is an adjective used to describe something or someone that cannot be broken, bent, or weakened. This quality is associated with firmness, tenacity and resistance in the face of adversity. In life and culture, this term carries significant importance as it reflects strength, resilience, […]

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Definition of unique

Unique is a term used to describe something that is singular, incomparable, extraordinary, or without equal in its kind. The importance and relevance of the concept are evident in various fields and aspects of society. On a personal level, each human being is considered unique due to their experiences, genetic characteristics and personality. […]

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Definition of inner peace

Inner peace is a state that human beings achieve by achieving emotional balance and harmony on both a physical and mental level. Being whole and achieving general well-being does not mean that there are no problems to solve or difficulties to overcome, but rather that by feeling good and staying calm one can think […]

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