

Latest articles in Values

Definition of the right to privacy

The right to privacy is the power that an individual has to protect his or her personal information and those acts that pertain to his or her intimate life. This protection covers the actions and data of a subject that cannot be disclosed without his or her consent. It is important to bear in mind that a right is a […]

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Definition of gender discrimination

Gender discrimination is an expression that identifies one of the many forms of discrimination that, unfortunately, are suffered (and must be fought) worldwide. It should be remembered that, according to its interpretation from theory, discrimination is an action linked to segregation, separation and exclusion of something or someone. From […]

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Definition of truthfulness

Veracity is a word derived from a concept from medieval Latin that is used today to highlight everything that is true, credible and reliable. It arises from the trust inspired by entities, corporations and human beings who act with honesty and transparency. It is considered that there is veracity in every […]

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Definition of elegance

Elegance is a word from the Spanish language that refers to something that is, or is, elegant. In the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) there is a second meaning, in this case linked to a beautiful way of expressing a thought. As can be seen when analyzing both the theory and the applications that […]

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Definition of ethical banking

Ethical banking is a concept that refers to those financial institutions whose operation is not governed by the search for profit maximization, but rather aims to generate social utility. This banking system, therefore, goes beyond profit and seeks to promote the economic and social development of the community […]

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Definition of outstanding

Outstanding is a term that is frequently used in multiple fields and contexts. According to theory, and as proven in its practical application, this word in the Spanish language functions as an adjective and is intended to exalt something or someone that stands out and excels for some reason. It is common to […]

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Definition of same-sex marriage

Same-sex marriage is the social institution that supports the establishment of a marriage bond between two individuals of the same sex. The characteristics of the bond depend on each legislation. Also known as gay marriage or homosexual marriage, this marital bond is usually enabled within the framework of inclusion policies that aim to not […]

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Definition of interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are part of the human skills that are part of the set of soft skills. They encompass all the skills, qualities and abilities that allow someone to forge good social bonds and achieve optimal social interaction. They are essential for building strong ties on a daily basis […]

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Definition of straightness

Rectitude refers to the quality of being upright, upright and fair in one’s behavior and actions. In moral terms, it involves acting in accordance with ethical principles and values, showing honesty, sincerity and probity in all situations. An upright person adheres to ethical standards and does not deviate from what is […]

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Definition of social inclusion

Social inclusion is essential to ensure that all people, without distinctions of any kind, can be guaranteed the same rights and have the same variety of opportunities and spaces to develop within a society. It is put into practice through public policies that promote the integration of each individual, who, […]

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