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Definition of philanthropy

Philanthropy is a word of Greek origin that means "love of the human race." It is a concept used in a positive way to refer to the help that is offered to others without requiring a response or something to change. Individuals or organizations that usually develop solidarity projects are known as philanthropists. He […]

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Definition of fidelity

Fidelity is the union of two living beings regardless of the consequences that this may bring. The term comes from the Latin fidelitas and also refers to the accuracy or punctuality in the execution of an action. Fidelity is the virtue to fulfill a promise. When two people get married […]

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Definition of kindness

The term kindness that we are now going to analyze in depth, we have to establish that it has its etymological origin in Latin. Specifically, we can state that it takes as its starting point the verb amare, which is synonymous with “to love,” and the suffix –idad, which is equivalent to “quality.” Kindness is the quality […]

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Definition of code of ethics

Ethics is linked to morality and establishes what is good, bad, permitted or desired regarding an action or decision. The concept comes from the Greek ethikos, which means "character." Ethics can be defined as the science of moral behavior, since it studies and determines how members of […]

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Definition of sympathy

In some cases, the etymological origin of a word already provides its precise definition. That's what happens with sympathy, which comes from the Latin simpathia. This word, in turn, derives from a Greek concept that means “community of feelings.” Sympathy, therefore, is that emotional inclination that exists between two or […]

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Definition of goodness

The first thing we must do in order to perfectly understand the meaning of the term kindness is to establish its etymological origin and we must emphasize that it is found in Latin. Thus, more accurately we can see that it emanates from the word beautiful, which is the result of the sum of the term […]

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Definition of happiness

The first thing we are going to do before analyzing the term happiness at hand is determine that its etymological origin is found in Latin. Thus, we find the fact that this word comes from the word felicitas, which can be translated as "fertile." Happiness is a state of mind […]

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Definition of patience

Patience is the ability of a subject to tolerate, go through or endure a certain situation without experiencing nervousness or losing calm. In this way, it can be said that an individual with patience - a term with etymological origin in the Latin word patientia - is one who does not usually get upset in the face of adversity, maintaining composure. […]

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Definition of selflessness

Self-denial is the sacrifice that someone makes of their will, their affections or their interests. Typically, such sacrifice is made for religious reasons or altruism. The term comes from the Latin abnegatĭo, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). For Christianity, self-denial is the denial of the individual, in […]

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Definition of peace

Peace is a concept originating from the Latin term pax that can be defined in a positive sense and in a negative sense. In a positive sense, peace is a state of tranquility and stillness; On the other hand, in a negative sense, peace is the absence of war or violence. At the political level and for […]

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