

Latest articles in Values

Definition of mercy

Mercy is a term that comes from Latin and refers to a virtue of the soul that leads human beings to feel compassion for the miseries of others. It is a kind attitude that, generally, a wealthy person can show towards someone who has greater needs than him, or a subject who […]

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Definition of freedom

Freedom is an abstract concept that is difficult to define; in principle, the notion is linked to the faculty that every living being possesses to carry out an action according to its own will. From the 18th century onwards, freedom began to be linked to other faculties or virtues, such as justice and […]

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Definition of loyalty

Loyalty is the fulfillment of what is required by the laws of fidelity and honor. According to certain conventions, a good person must be loyal to others, to certain institutions and organizations (such as the company for which he works) and to his nation. Loyalty is a virtue that develops in […]

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Definition of inalienable

This term comes from a Latin word that refers to something that cannot be alienated (that is, whose ownership cannot be passed or transmitted from one individual to another). Therefore, what is inalienable cannot be sold or transferred legally. Inalienable rights are those considered fundamental; those that are […]

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Definition of essential

Essential is an adjective that refers to something that cannot be done without. It describes a living being or a thing without which a particular problem cannot be solved; in other words, its participation is absolutely necessary. For example: water is essential for life; no living being […]

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Definition of ignominy

Ignominy is a word that comes from the Latin ignominĭa and refers to public affront. The etymology of the term is related to in-nomen ("without name") since that is the effect caused by dishonorable actions known as ignominies. Ignominy, in short, is an offense that is carried out in a public manner […]

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Definition of humility

Humility is the virtue of knowing one’s own limitations and weaknesses and acting in accordance with that knowledge. The term comes from the Latin word humilitas. It could be said that humility is the absence of pride. It is a characteristic of modest people, who do not feel more important or better than others.

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Definition of honor

Honor is a moral quality that leads the subject to fulfill his or her duties towards others and towards oneself. It is an ideological concept that justifies behavior and explains social relationships. There are various shared rules that are based on ideals and that constitute what constitutes honorable behavior within a society.

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Definition of hypocrite

A hypocrite is someone who acts hypocritically. That is, he or she pretends to have feelings or qualities that, in reality, contradict what he or she truly feels or thinks. The concept of hypocrisy comes from a Greek word that refers to the function of playing a role, of acting. In Ancient Greece, a hypocrite was a theatrical actor, […]

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Definition of hero

From the Latin heros, which in turn derives from a Greek word, the word hero refers to a man who is famous, illustrious and recognized for his virtues or exploits. For example: «Luciano is a little hero of barely twelve years old who saved his mother from dying in a fire», «My uncle is […]

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