

Latest articles in Values

Definition of treason

From the Latin traditĭo, betrayal is that fault that breaks the loyalty or fidelity that should be kept towards someone or something. It consists of reneging, either with an action or a saying, on a commitment of loyalty. To betray is to defraud. When a person trusts another and this person acts in a contrary way […]

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Definition of tenacity

From the Latin tenacitas, tenacity is the quality of being tenacious (that resists deformation or breaking, that holds on to something or that is firm and persistent in a purpose). As a physical property of materials, tenacity is the energy that a material absorbs, with the consequent deformations that the material […]

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Definition of temperance

From the Latin temperantia, temperance is related to sobriety or moderation of character. A person with temperance reacts in a balanced way since he enjoys considerable control over his emotions and is able to dominate his impulses. Christianity considers temperance as one of the four cardinal virtues. It is a virtue that is […]

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Definition of common sense

Sensibility is the quality of being sensible (sane, prudent or of good judgment). Sensibility, therefore, is associated with sanity, understanding, reasoning and prudence. For example: «The government left sanity aside and responded to the attacks with more violence», «It is not convenient for you to expose yourself in this way, you have to […]

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Definition of priority

From the Latin prior («anterior»), priority refers to the precedence of something over something else, either in time or order. That which has priority comes first in comparison to other people or things. For example: a soccer player is wanted by Barcelona and Real Madrid. Both […]

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Definition of prudence

Originating from the Latin prudentia, prudence is a term used as a synonym for common sense, moderation, temperance, caution or moderation. It is the virtue that leads someone to behave in a fair and appropriate manner. To give examples of use: «With prudence, the doctors informed the injured man of the tragic consequences […]

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Definition of punctuality

Punctuality is the care and diligence in doing things in a timely manner or in arriving at (or leaving) a place at the agreed time. For example: “I need you to deliver the work on time, otherwise we will have problems with the client”, “You arrived an hour late, your punctuality leaves a lot to be desired”, “Your […]

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Definition of purity

The first thing we are going to do is establish the etymological origin of the word purity. And that leads us to have to determine that it is found in Latin. Thus, we can see that our term is made up of two Latin lexical components: the word purus, which can be translated as “pure,” and the suffix –eza, which means “pure.”

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Definition of perseverance

From the Latin perseverantia, perseverance is the action and effect of persevering. This verb refers to remaining constant in a project already started, an attitude or an opinion, even when the circumstances are adverse or the objectives cannot be met. To persevere is also to last for a long time. As is known, perseverance is […]

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Definition of purpose

From the Latin propositum, purpose is the intention or desire to do or stop doing something. In everyday speech, it is often used in the expression on purpose as a synonym for the term on purpose, to indicate a deliberate action, generally harmful or annoying to a third party. Purpose is also an objective, something that […]

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