

Latest articles in Values

Definition of generosity

Generosity is a concept that comes from the Latin generositas and refers to the inclination to give and share above one’s own interest or utility. It is a virtue and a positive value that can be associated with altruism, charity and philanthropy. A generous person thinks about sharing what he or she has […]

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Definition of sharing

Sharing, from the Latin compartīri, is the action of distributing, dividing or sharing something into several parts. In this way, it is possible to enjoy a certain resource or space in common. For example: “I am going to share my ice cream with you”, “I am sad because Celeste did not want to share her toys with me”, “The square is for everyone […]

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Definition of enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is the exaltation of the spirit that is produced by something that captivates or that is admired. The term comes from the late Latin enthusiasmus, although its most remote origin is found in the Greek language. For the Greeks, enthusiasm meant “having a god within oneself”. The enthusiastic person, therefore, was the […]

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Definition of clarity

From the Latin clarĭtas, clarity is the quality of clear (clean, bathed in light, clearly distinguishable, evident, manifest). The concept can refer to the effect that light produces when it illuminates a space. For example: “I like this house: there is a lot of light in the rooms”, “We have to improve the lighting in this room, it makes […]

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Definition of initiative

From the Latin initiātus, initiative is that which gives rise to something. It is the first step of a project or the starting point of some action. For example: «Nicholas' initiative surprised his friends», «This charity festival was organized thanks to the initiative of a famous actor who wanted to collaborate with the […]

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Definition of excellence

Coming from the Latin word excellentia, excellence is a word that highlights the considerable quality that makes an individual or object worthy of high esteem and appreciation. The notion of excellence, therefore, is related to the idea of ​​perfection and outstanding characteristics. The term indicates that which […]

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Definition of affection

From the Latin affectus, affection is one of the passions of the soul. It is the inclination towards someone or something, especially love or affection. For example: “Ricardo’s attitude was a true demonstration of affection”, “All children should be treated with affection”, “Affection is essential in human relationships, […]

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Definition of importance

The first thing we are going to do is determine the etymological origin of the term importance that concerns us. In doing so we find the fact that this word comes from Latin and is the result of the sum of three parts: the prefix in-, which is equivalent to “inwards”; the verb portare, which can be translated as […]

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Definition of virtue

A virtue is a positive quality that allows certain effects to be produced. There are different uses of the term – derived from the Latin virtus – linked to strength, courage, the power to act, the effectiveness of something or integrity of mind. In short, a virtue is a stable characteristic of a person, whether natural or […]

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Definition of treason

From the Latin traditĭo, betrayal is that fault that breaks the loyalty or fidelity that should be kept towards someone or something. It consists of reneging, either with an action or a saying, on a commitment of loyalty. To betray is to defraud. When a person trusts another and this person acts in a contrary way […]

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