

Latest articles in Values

Definition of simplicity

Before going into a deeper analysis of the term simplicity and its meaning, we must make it clear that it comes from Latin. Specifically, its etymological origin is found in the Latin word singulus, which can be translated as “one by one”, and in the addition of the suffix –ez, which is equivalent to “quality”. […]

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Definition of constancy

From the Latin constantia, constancy is firmness and perseverance in resolutions. It is an attitude or a predisposition of the mind regarding a purpose. For example: «If you want to play in the first division, you have to be consistent in training», «I think I could have developed a professional career in television, but […]

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Definition of conviction

From the Latin convictĭo, conviction is the conviction that one has about something. Those who have a conviction have reasons or beliefs that allow them to sustain a certain thought, speech or action. For example: «I arrived at the Government House with the conviction that our project will allow us to move the country forward», «That the owner will fulfill his promises to […]

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Definition of charity

Beneficence is the virtue of doing good. The term comes from the Latin beneficentia. Someone who practices beneficence, on the other hand, is called a benefactor. For example: «The businessman appeared in public at a charity event that took place in a town in the south», «The singer confessed that charity occupies a special place in […]

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Definition of benefactor

A benefactor is someone who does good to another person. The term is used as a synonym for benefactor. For example: “An anonymous benefactor donated one hundred thousand dollars and managed to save the orphanage”, “Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world, but also one of the greatest benefactors thanks to his million-dollar donations”, “The […]

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Definition of reciprocity

Reciprocity, from the Latin reciprocĭtas, is the mutual correspondence of one person or thing with another. Something reciprocal is something that is done as a return, compensation or restitution. For example: “In reciprocity for your collaboration, we are going to give you a surprise gift”, “The Government is studying applying the principle of reciprocity and requiring visas from countries that […]

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Definition of ambition

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines ambition as the desire to obtain power, wealth or fame. The term comes from the Latin ambitĭo and can be used in a positive or negative sense. Ambition is considered healthy when it promotes action and the development of projects. The person who […]

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Definition of relevant

Relevant comes from the Latin word relevans, which in turn comes from relevare (to raise, to lift). It is something significant, important, prominent or outstanding. For example: «The rise in prices is not a relevant problem for the company», «Deportivo San Juan has hired Ramiro López Pereyra, a player who […]

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Definition of greed

From the Latin avaritia, avarice is the disordered and excessive desire or craving to possess riches in order to hoard them. From a religious point of view it is a sin and a vice since it transcends what is lawful and morally acceptable. Avarice is different from covetousness since the latter supposes the […]

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Definition of transparency

Transparency is the quality of transparency of an object (that can be seen through it, that it is evident or that it can be guessed). It can be said that a body is transparent when it lets light through. Transparency, therefore, is an optical property of matter with varying degrees. It is usually considered that a body is transparent when it allows light to pass through.

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