

Latest articles in Values

Definition of audacity

From the Latin audacĭa, audacity is daring or boldness. The term can refer to doing something risky, daring, reckless or imprudent. For example: «I didn't have the audacity to tell him what he deserves», «If Ramiro is safe, it is thanks to the audacity of the rescuers», «The young forward had audacity and asked for help.»

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Definition of decency

Decency, from the Latin decentia, is the modesty, composure and honesty of each person. The concept allows us to refer to dignity in actions and words. For example: «I don't like shows that go beyond the limits of decency», «Finding a politician with decency is as difficult as finding a […]

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Definition of honesty

Honesty is the uprightness of mind and integrity in actions. Someone who is honest is shown to be a righteous and just person, who is guided by what is considered correct and appropriate at a social level. For example: «My grandfather taught me that honesty is the most important thing when it comes to business», […]

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Definition of sincerity

From the Latin sinceritas, sincerity is the way of expressing oneself without lies or pretense. The term is associated with truthfulness and simplicity. For example: «Sincerity is a highly valued value in this company», «The player once again showed his sincerity and recognized that he is playing below his level», «If […]

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Definition of good treatment

The concept of treatment refers to the action and effect of dealing with someone. This verb has various meanings, such as dealing with a person (either by word or deed) or the relationship with an individual. Treatment can be understood as the way of communicating or establishing a bond with another person or with […]

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Definition of indulgence

Originating from the Latin indulgentia, the word indulgence describes or symbolizes the ease or willingness to forgive eventual faults or grant a grace. The concept is also used in the religious context to name the remission before the Supreme Being or divinity of the temporal punishments corresponding to sins that have already been committed.

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Definition of benevolent

Benevolent (from the Latin benevŏlens) is someone who has benevolence (good will towards people). Benevolence, in turn, is associated with kindness and the quality of good. Specifically, this Latin term is made up of two clearly defined particles that give meaning to it: “bene”, which can be […]

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Definition of delicacy

Delicacy is a term that is linked to finesse or subtlety. The concept allows us to name the attention and exquisite care in action or words. For example: “She is a very sweet girl, who moves with delicacy”, “You have to speak with delicacy, but tell the truth”, “She did not have much […]

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Definition of courtesy

Courtesy is a term that comes from the word cortés, an adjective that can be used to name attentive, affable and polite people. Specifically, this meaning comes from many centuries ago when the Cortes were the most important political and social centers. In those, which were under the orders of the kings, there were also […]

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Definition of perfect

Originating from the Latin word perfectus, the word perfect describes the thing, organism or individual that meets the highest possible level of excellence in relation to the other elements of its same species or nature. If something is perfect, there is no possibility of making it better, since there is nothing superior to it.

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