

Latest articles in Values

Definition of extraordinary bravery

Extraordinary courage is a quality possessed by a person who manages to go beyond his or her limits or what is considered normal. Bravery is defined as vigor, encouragement or effort. The term is often used as a synonym for courage, which is the willpower that a person has to […]

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Definition of truthful

From the Latin verax, truthful is an adjective that refers to someone who always tells or professes the truth. The term is also applied to certain and verifiable information. For example: “Martin is a truthful man, you can trust what he tells you”, “The government has requested truthful data from the consulting firms to decide whether […]

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Definition of order

Order is the placement of things in their corresponding place. The term, derived from the Latin ordo, is also used to name the good arrangement of things in relation to each other. For example: «Martina, leave your toys in order before your dad arrives», «With the little order there is in this room, it is very […]

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Definition of charity

Charity is a term used to define a theological virtue belonging to the Christian religion, which consists of loving God above all things and one's neighbor as oneself. It is a selfless love that arises from the mere desire to give oneself to others without expecting anything in return. […]

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Definition of important

Important is that which matters or has importance. Importance, in turn, is defined as the quality of being important (that is very interesting or convenient, that has a lot of substance or that stands out for its qualities). For example: “Gómez has become an important player within the team structure”, […]

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Definition of good faith

Good faith is integrity and honesty in behavior. Those who act in good faith do not intend to do evil: if they make a mistake or end up harming someone or something, it will not have been with that intention. For example: “I acted in good faith: I did not know that the television I sold you was malfunctioning,” […]

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Definition of consideration

Consideration is a term that comes from the Latin consideratĭo and refers to the action and effect of considering (meditating, reflecting, estimating, judging). For example: “I’m sorry, but hiring more staff is not within our consideration”, “I have a lot of consideration for your father”, “The old man was absorbed in his considerations and did not say […]

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Definition of affability

Affability is the quality of being affable (pleasant, gentle in dealing, sweet). The term comes from the Latin affabilĭtas. For example. “I was very pleased to visit Mr. Perkins, he is a very affable man”, “What is the reason for so much affability? I suspect you want to ask me something”, “I don’t know if he is a bad person, but I’m sure he is […]

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Definition of pride

Pride is the disordered desire to be preferred over others, according to the definition of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept, coming from the Latin superbĭa, can be associated with haughtiness, conceit, presumption and petulance. For example: “The actor showed his pride again by refusing to greet the fans who […]

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Definition of courage

Latin. This is the language in which we can find the etymological origin of the word courage. Specifically, it comes from the sum of the following parts: the verb valere, which is synonymous with “staying strong and healthy”; ente, which is equivalent to “agent”, and the suffix -ia, which can be translated as “quality”. Courage […]

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