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Definition of perfidy

Perfidy is a concept used to refer to a deception, an infidelity or a fault that consists of violating a supposed commitment. In order to understand the meaning of the term in depth, the first thing to do is to determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we can establish that it comes from Latin since […]

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Definition of despicable

Despicable is an adjective used to describe something of little value and not worthy of appreciation or admiration. The term is also used to describe something that can be easily broken or destroyed, that has a short useful life or that does not have good resistance. This adjective, therefore, refers to something that is of little value and is not worthy of admiration.

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Definition of austerity

Austerity is a term that indicates the quality of being austere. Someone who is austere, on the other hand, is sober, moderate, penitent and severe, who does not make any kind of display and who strictly adheres to the norms of morality. For example: “This government will maintain austerity and will be totally transparent”, “I believe that, in this […]

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Definition of compliance

Compliance is a term that has its origin in the Latin word complementum and refers to the action and effect of fulfilling or being fulfilled. The verb fulfill, on the other hand, refers to executing something; remedying someone and providing them with what they lack; doing something that should be done; agreeing; or being the day […]

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Definition of diligent

The first necessary step to take in order to understand the meaning of the term diligent is to establish its etymological origin. In doing so, we must make clear that it comes from Latin, since it is the result of the sum of two words from that language: the prefix dis-, which means “separately,” and the verb legere, which can be […]

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Definition of impairment

Menoscabo is the effect of undermining. This verb refers to deteriorating or tarnishing something by taking away part of the esteem it previously had; diminishing something by reducing or shortening it; or causing discredit to fame or honor. For example: “The president’s statements to the detriment of his running mate surprised the […]

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Definition of lie

A lie is an expression that is contrary to what is known, thought or believed. The term is often used in opposition to what is considered to be the truth. A lie, therefore, implies a falsehood. For example: “The defendant claimed that it is a lie that he has a house in Miami valued at […]

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Definition of promise

The etymological origin of the term promise that we are dealing with here is found in Latin. It comes, more exactly, from the word “promissus”, which is made up of two different parts: the prefix “pro-”, which is equivalent to “before”, and “missus”, which is the participle of the verb “mittere”, which can be translated as […]

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Definition of impartiality

The notion of impartiality can be understood as a criterion of justice that is based on decisions made objectively. This means that the person in charge of judging or settling an issue must maintain impartiality and not be influenced by prejudices or interests that lead him to try to benefit one of the parties.

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Definition of degrading

Denigrating is something that denigrates. The etymological origin of denigrate takes us to the Latin denigrāre, which means “to make black” or “to stain”. The action of denigrating, therefore, consists of forming a (symbolic) stain on someone’s fame, reputation or opinion. The denigrating is something that tarnishes, injures, offends or outrages. […]

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