

Latest articles in Values

Definition of moral power

Power is a notion that refers to a capacity or a faculty. It can also refer to the empire or authority that a person or entity has to exercise their will. Morality, on the other hand, is formed by the values, beliefs and traditions of an individual or a community. This power is the power that is […]

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Definition of plausible

Plausible is something that deserves applause, according to the first meaning of the concept recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The etymology of the term takes us to the Latin plausibilis, an adjective that comes from the verb plaudere (which can be translated as “to applaud”). The most common use of the notion today, without […]

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Definition of pious

In order to find the etymological origin of the term pious we have to turn to Latin. It comes from the Latin word pietas, which means “piety”, and which, in turn, comes from pius, which can be translated as “devout”. Pious is an adjective that is linked to piety (the virtue that implies devotion towards […]

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Definition of laziness

Laziness is a term that comes from pigritia, a Latin word. It can be used to name the apathy or laziness that leads people to not make an effort or to not carry out certain tasks that they should complete. For example: “I am not going to school today: I am lazy, I prefer to stay at home”, […]

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Definition of perfectible

Perfectible is an adjective that applies to something that is susceptible to improvement. It should be noted that the action of perfecting consists of increasing the qualities or quality of something, making it better. For example: “I present to you the model of the new vehicle that our company will manufacture: of course, it is a […]

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Definition of worse

Worse is a concept that comes from the Latin word peior. It can be used as a comparative adjective or as an adverb, depending on the context. Worst, for example, is something that is less suitable or beneficial compared to something else: “I bought the new version of the soccer game, but it seemed worse to me than the previous one”, “This […]

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Definition of audacity

Boldness is the fearlessness, boldness or recklessness that reflects a person’s behavior. The subject who acts with boldness is called daring. For example: “When the fire broke out, the little boy had the audacity to go through the house to rescue his cat”, “Saying something like that to the owner of […]

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Definition of opprobrium

Opprobrium is a concept used to name a dishonor, an offense, an insult or an infamy. The term can be used as a synonym for ignominy. For example: “The official’s statements were a disgrace for the entire community”, “We will not allow a new disgrace on his part”, “To overcome this disgrace, we only have to […]

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Definition of worldly

We must go back to Latin to find the etymological origin of the term mundane that we are now going to analyze. It comes from “mundanus”, which can be translated as “belonging to the world” and is made up of two different parts: • The noun “mundus”, which is synonymous with “world”. • The suffix […]

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Definition of fair

The Latin word iustus derived from just, an adjective used to name that which is in accordance with justice. What is just, therefore, is fair, equitable, impartial or reasonable. For example: “It seems fair to me that I stay working after hours: today I came into the office very late”, “It would be fair to […]

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