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Definition of philosophy of life

Philosophy of life is a concept that describes and summarizes the set of ideas, objectives, principles, positions and attitudes that influence the way in which each human being chooses to go through this world. Finding a purpose in life and acting accordingly in pursuit of self-realization is stimulating on a personal level and […]

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Definition of personal leadership

Personal leadership is the capacity that can be developed and achieved by someone who seeks growth, evolution and improvement in all spheres of their existence, as seen when tracing the theoretical definition of this notion. This process requires a display of skills that allow the person to lead themselves to achieve […]

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Definition of awareness

Awareness is a word that is used in different areas. In general terms, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in the dictionary of the Spanish language, this word serves to refer to the act and consequence of becoming sensitive or causing someone to become sensitive. In the field of biology, meanwhile, it alludes […]

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Definition of personal responsibility

Personal responsibility is an obligation carried by an individual. The concept is usually associated with a moral commitment that the subject assumes by virtue of his or her values. The idea of ​​responsibility refers to a duty. Personal, meanwhile, is that linked to the person: a human being. Personal responsibility can be understood as that […]

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Definition of personal autonomy

Personal autonomy is the ability of a subject to carry out their daily activities and make their own decisions. This power implies the need to have certain resources and skills that allow one to function independently and assume the consequences of one's actions. To accurately understand the idea of ​​personal autonomy, it is important to analyze the […]

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Definition of culture of peace

The culture of peace is the set of behaviors, attitudes and values ​​that promote coexistence in harmony and without violence. It is a vision that supports dialogue to resolve conflicts. It should be noted that the idea of ​​culture can be associated with a way of life. The […]

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Definition of acceptance and commitment therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping people accept the inevitable aspects of life, rather than trying to avoid or control them. It is based on the idea that suffering is a natural part of experience […]

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Definition of food sovereignty

Food sovereignty is the power of a community to choose its strategies and policies linked to the production, distribution and consumption of food. It is about the ability to determine, according to your needs and culture, what type of system to adopt regarding food. The idea of ​​sovereignty refers […]

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Definition of solidarity economy

The solidarity economy is a productive organization model based on people's needs. Unlike the traditional system that privileges capital, in this case economic activities are based on solidarity, self-management, equality, care for the environment and other principles. Before moving forward with the definition, it is […]

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Definition of workplace well-being

Occupational well-being is a state or reality that every person should achieve throughout their years of work. It is achieved through the fulfillment of multiple issues that cause general satisfaction reflected in emotions, sensations, behaviors and favorable evaluations. To make workplace well-being possible, each employee is […]

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