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Definition of unobjectionable

The unobjectionable is that which cannot be objected to. The verb to object, in turn, refers to challenging, refuting or contradicting an opinion, a decision or a mandate. For example: «The triumph of the official candidate in the legislative elections was unobjectionable», «Real Madrid is an unobjectionable champion since it showed a level much higher than […]

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Definition of immaculate

The adjective immaculate comes from the Latin word immaculātus. It describes something that does not have any stains. Therefore, something immaculate is clean, spotless or pure. For example: “Wearing an immaculate white dress, the model was the star of the night”, “There is no immaculate politician”, “The boxer returned […]

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Definition of injustice

The first step we are going to take before going into the meaning of the term injustice is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it comes from Latin, exactly from the word “iniustitia”, which can be translated as “quality of not being fair” and is the result of the sum of […]

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Definition of iniquity

The etymological origin of the term iniquity can be found in Latin. Specifically, it comes from the word “iniquitas, iniquitatis”, which can be translated as “quality of unjust” and is the result of the sum of several lexical components: -The prefix “in-”, which means “without” or “not”. -The word “aequus”, which means “without” or “not”.

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Definition of wicked

The adjective iniquitous comes from the Latin word inīquus. A Latin word that is formed from the sum of two lexical components of Latin. We are referring to the prefix “in-”, which is equivalent to “not” and “without”, and the adjective “aequus”, which can be translated as “equal”. It is used to describe what is […]

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Definition of inexcusable

The first step we are going to take before going into the meaning of the term inexcusable is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “inexcusabilis”, which is the result of the sum of these lexical components: -The […]

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Definition of unscrupulous

Unscrupulous is an adjective used to describe an individual who has no scruples. It is also used to refer to things done or expressed without scruples. To know what the notion of unscrupulous refers to, therefore, it is essential to know the definition of scruple. This is the name given to suspicion or hesitation […]

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Definition of unscathed

With its etymological origin in the Latin word incolŭmis, the term incólume is used to describe that which does not present damage or injury. The incorlume, therefore, is healthy. For example: “Despite the strong earthquake that occurred last night, the old church of the town remained unharmed”, “Under my government, freedom of expression […]

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Definition of unconditional

The adjective unconditional is used to describe that which has no conditions. This means that what is unconditional lacks restrictions or limitations. For example: “A mother’s love for a child is unconditional”, “Both countries have been unconditional allies for more than a century”, “The president received the support […]

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Definition of incessant

Before going into the meaning of the term incessant, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to underline that it derives from Latin and that it is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language: -The prefix “in-”, which is synonymous with “no” or “without”. […]

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