

Latest articles in Values

Definition of longanimity

The Latin word longanimĭtas came to Castilian as longanimidad. The term is used to refer to the tenacity of spirit in facing problems. Longanimity, therefore, is associated with perseverance. Another use of the concept is linked to generosity and kindness. The notion is often used in the […]

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Definition of metaethics

Metaethics is the part of ethics dedicated to the analysis of the origin of ethical principles. It is a discipline that focuses on moral values, considering whether they are absolute or relative, whether they exist independently of people, etc. It can be said that metaethics reflects on moral judgments. It is responsible for […]

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Definition of irascible

The term iracundo, which comes from the Latin word iracundus, is used to describe someone who has or shows anger. The adjective can also refer to a person who has a tendency to become angry. It is important to note that anger is linked to intense anger, indignation and fury. Someone who is iracundo, in this way, presents the mood of […]

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Definition of benevolent

The Latin word benevŏlus came to our language as benevolent. It is an adjective that allows us to describe that which is kind, affectionate, sympathetic or, at least, not harmful. Many times the term is used to refer to that which could be harder or more difficult but, nevertheless, ends up being merciful […]

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Definition of overcoming

The act and result of overcoming is called overcoming. This verb (superar), derived from the Latin superāre, has several meanings. Overcoming a difficulty Overcoming can refer to defeating someone, leaving an adversity behind or transcending a limit, to mention a few possibilities. The effect of these actions is referred to as overcoming. For example, […]

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Definition of self-respect

The concept of self-respect is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and the correct way to write it to pronounce «respect» correctly includes the double R. However, most articles on the Internet display it with only one. Auto- is a prefix that means “by itself” or “of itself […]

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Definition of profit

The notion of profit comes from the Latin word profectus. The term can be used to refer to the gain or benefit that is provided or obtained from someone, or that is produced from something. For example: “To take advantage of this machine, you first have to learn how to use it”, “The local team will try […]

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Definition of protect

The verb to protect comes from the Latin word protegĕre. The term refers to the action of providing shelter to an object, an animal or a human being. Different ways to protect This protection can be provided in different ways. In some cases, protecting consists of developing some movement or adopting a posture […]

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Definition of neighbor

The etymology of neighbor leads us to the Latin word proxĭmus. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to any person. Neighbor, however, usually has a more specific use. This idea is generally used when one intends to name an individual in relation to […]

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Definition of caution

The Latin word praecautio came to Spanish as precaution. This is the name given to the care taken to avoid a problem or harm. Precaution arises when a risk is detected. When a person detects a possible inconvenience linked to an action or conduct, he or she acts with caution to minimize the possibility of […]

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