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Definition of crossbow

A crossbow is a weapon that allows different kinds of projectiles to be launched thanks to the fact that it has a bow and a string. The concept is also used to name the machine that, in ancient times, was used for the same purpose. The etymology of crossbow refers to the Latin word ballista. This term, often used to refer to […]

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Definition of beacon

A beacon is a sign, whether mobile or fixed, that is installed in a place to give a warning or with the intention of guiding vehicle traffic. The act of signaling with beacons is called beaconing, while its result is called beaconing. Beacons, in short, are elements that […]

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Definition of ballistics

Ballistics is the discipline focused on the analysis of the movement and effects of bullets and other projectiles. The concept is also used as an adjective to refer to things related to this area. Ballistics studies the chemical and physical issues inherent to the movement of different types of projectiles, such as bullets, […]

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Definition of balance

A scale is a device used to calculate the weight of things. For example: “My nutritionist recommended that I buy a scale so that I can evaluate the evolution of my weight”, “The greengrocer told me that the scale is out of calibration”, “The Russian boxer will step on the scale tonight”. In order to know […]

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Definition of airplane

The etymology of the word airplane refers to the French word avion, which in turn comes from the Latin word avis (translatable as “bird”). Specifically, it is considered to be a word coined in France back in 1875. The person responsible for that action was Clément Arder. An airplane is a vehicle that can move through the air thanks to […]

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Definition of breakdown

Breakdown is a concept that can be used in many ways. In colloquial language, a breakdown is known as a fault, an inconvenience or damage that affects the normal use of something. In this case, the etymological root of breakdown could be found in the Catalan word avaria, which in turn derives from the Arabic word […]

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Definition of progress

The concept of advance refers to the act and result of advancing: moving forward; anticipating, increasing or improving something. In some countries, advance is also used as a synonym for advance (budget or accounting balance). For example: «The progress of the vehicles is delayed due to an accident that occurred at the entrance to the […]

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Definition of avatar

Avatar is a term from the French language that has its etymological root in the Sanskrit word avatâra. The concept is used in different ways depending on the context. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a vicissitude, an incident, an event or a stage. […]

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Definition of automation

Automation refers to the act and consequence of automating. This verb, on the other hand, refers to making certain actions automatic (that is, they develop on their own and without the direct participation of an individual). The concept is often used in the industrial field with reference to the system that […]

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Definition of authentication

Authentication is synonymous with authentication: the process and result of authenticating. This verb, in turn, refers to verifying the authenticity or legality of something or the act of accrediting it as authentic. As can be seen from these ideas, to understand what authentication is, it is essential to know what it refers to […]

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