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Definition of caliber

The etymological history of calibre begins with kalópous, a Byzantine Greek term that can be translated as “last”. The concept then derived into the pelvi kālbod, later into the classical Arabic qālib and finally into the French calibre. In our language, calibre is the name given to the diameter that different hollow elements have in their […]

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Definition of kaleidoscope

Before going into the definition of the term kaleidoscope, it is necessary to know its etymological origin. In this case, it must be established that it comes from Greek and is the result of the sum of three components of said language: -The word “kalos”, which is synonymous with “beautiful”. -The noun “eidos”, which means “beautiful”.

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Definition of boiler

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes more than a dozen meanings of the term caldera, which comes from the Latin word caldaria. Many of them depend on the geographic region. A caldera can be a container, usually metallic, used for heating or evaporating water or another liquid or for […]

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Definition of calculator

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), in its dictionary, mentions as the first meaning of the term calculator or calculator that which calculates: that is, that which performs calculations, accounts and computations. In these cases, it is an adjective. It is often said that a person is calculating when he or she acts in a specific way to obtain a […]

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Definition of ATM

Cashier is a concept with several uses. The term, which derives from the Latin capsarius, can be used to name the individual who operates a cash register (the place or machine where valuables, especially money, are kept) in a commercial establishment. Something automatic, on the other hand, works partly or completely on its own. The idea is that […]

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Definition of Petri dish

Julius Richard Petri was a German scientist born on May 31, 1852 in Barmen, a district of the city of Wuppertal, and died on December 20, 1921 in Zeitz. Specialized in microbiology, he is the inventor of a container for cell culture. The Petri dish, also known as the Petri dish, is a dish that is used to […]

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Definition of cashier

The term cashier, which comes from the Latin word capsarius, is used to name the person who, in a commercial establishment, is in charge of managing a cash register (the machine or place where money is kept). For example: «I want to make a withdrawal from my savings account: could you tell the cashier that […]

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Definition of USB cable

A cable is a cord that is made up of different conductors, which are insulated from each other, and is covered by a protective sheath. USB, on the other hand, is the acronym for Universal Serial Bus: a standard that, in the field of computing, establishes the protocols and the […]

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Definition of cache

The concept of cache, which comes from the French word cachet, can be used in different ways. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the money paid to an artist or certain professionals for performing a presentation or a job. For example: “We were thinking of hiring a […]

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SATA cable definition

SATA is an acronym for Serial Advanced Technology Attachment. In computing, it is an interface that allows information to be transferred between the motherboard and various storage devices (such as an optical disk drive or a hard disk drive). […]

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