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Definition of tuning fork

The term diapason comes from the Latin diapāson, which in turn has its origin in the Greek language. The notion is used in the field of music to name an interval formed by five tones (two minor and three major) and two major semitones (diatessaron and diapente), according to the first meaning mentioned by […]

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Definition of slide

A slide is a photograph created on a transparent material. It is a positive print, presenting true colors, developed by a photochemical process. Traditional slides were obtained by cutting out frames from a film. These cutouts were then framed in cardboard or plastic to facilitate their storage […]

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Definition of block diagram

A diagram is a graphic representation that shows the relationships between the various components of a set. Block, on the other hand, is a notion with multiple meanings: it can be a group of elements with common characteristics, a large fragment of a compact material or a grouping of […]

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Definition of flowchart

A flowchart is a drawing that represents the different steps of a procedure or the successive events that are part of something. These diagrams are used to see the stages or moments of what it is intended to represent. A diagram is a graph that shows the links between the various elements that make up a flowchart.

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Definition of diaphragm

The Latin word diáphragma came to Latin as diaphragma, which in turn, in our language, derived from diaphragm. The concept has various meanings depending on the context. The diaphragm is a membrane composed of muscle fibers that is responsible for separating the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. This tissue is present in […]

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Definition of dial

The word dial has different meanings depending on its etymological root. When the term is taken as a derivation of the English word dial, it refers to the graduated piece on which an indicator moves that is responsible for indicating a magnitude (a speed, a wavelength, a weight, etc.). In this context, the notion of […]

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Definition of detonation

Detonation is the act and consequence of detonating: starting an explosion. The notion is linked to phenomena such as combustion and explosion. Combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs between an oxidizer (oxygen) and a fuel (alcohol, wood or other). The oxidizer causes the fuel to oxidize […]

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Definition of dismantle

The etymological origin of the verb to dismantle is found in the Old French desmanteler. This term, in turn, derives from two Latin words: dis (“dis-”) and mentellum (which can be translated as “tablecloth” or “veil”). The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the destruction of existing fortifications […]

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Definition of scrapping

Scrapping is the act and result of dismantling: disassembling, undoing, cutting or ruining something. The concept is also used to name the set of elements resulting from scrapping an object and the place where cars and other vehicles are scrapped. For example: “My uncle sells […]

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Definition of defibrillator

A defibrillator is a device that allows the application of electric shocks to restore the normal heart rhythm. It is a sudden high-voltage shock that interrupts and reverses an arrhythmia (irregular rhythm of heart contractions). When an alteration in the electrical activity or the heart rhythm is recorded, the defibrillator is activated.

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