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Definition of floppy disk

A disk is a circular element that can be used to record certain data. A flexible disk is something that can be easily bent (and therefore is not completely rigid). The idea of ​​a flexible disk refers to a medium used to store information. It is a circular magnetic sheet that can be […]

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Definition of compact disc

The notion of disk can refer to a circular sheet that records information. Depending on their characteristics, there are multiple types of disks. A compact disk is a digitally recorded optical disk, capable of storing a large amount of data. To understand what a compact disk is, therefore, we first need to know what it is and what it is […]

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Definition of IP address

The idea of ​​address can refer to a home address. In the specific case of computing, it is an expression composed of letters and/or numbers that refers to a location in the memory of a computer. IP, on the other hand, is the English acronym that refers to Internet Protocol. An IP address is a […]

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Definition of directory

Originating from the Latin word directorius, directory is a term used in a variety of contexts. It can refer to the board or committee that runs a government, an association, a company or another type of entity. For example: “The company’s board of directors decided to restructure the sales department”, “The time of the Board of Directors was […]

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Definition of diode

The term diode comes from a Greek word that can be translated as “narrow passage”. The concept is used in the field of electricity to name the valve that has a pair of electrodes and only allows the passage of current in one direction. To understand what a diode is, first of all, we must first understand the […]

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Definition of industrial drawing

A drawing is a delineation or stroke that is usually done manually with the help of a brush, pencil or other tool with the aim of representing a figure or an idea. Industrial, on the other hand, is that which is linked to industry: the facilities and processes that allow obtaining, transforming […]

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Definition of mechanical drawing

To understand what a mechanical drawing is, we must first consider each term that makes up the expression separately. A drawing is a stroke or a delineation that allows a figure to be represented. The mechanical, on the other hand, can be linked to a machine, a device or a mechanism. A mechanical drawing, therefore, is a representation […]

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Definition of differential

The concept of differential can be used as an adjective or as a noun. In the first case, the term refers to that which is linked to the difference that exists between elements or to that which allows a differentiation to be established. For example: “This product has differential characteristics that allow it to stand out in the market”, “The biologist will present a […]

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Definition of diesel

The term diesel comes from Rudolf Diesel, a German engineer born in 1858 and died in 1913 who went down in history for the development of a type of engine and a fuel that bear his name. The idea of ​​diesel, therefore, can refer to said engine and fuel or to the vehicle […]

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Electrical drawing definition

The first step we are going to take is to know the etymological origin of the two words that give shape to the term electrical drawing that concerns us: -Drawing comes from French, exactly from the verb “déboissier”, which can be translated as “to draw”. -Electric, on the other hand, derives from Greek as it is the result of the sum of two […]

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