

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of space probe

Space probe is the name given to artificial devices that are sent into space in order to obtain information linked to comets, asteroids, satellites and planets, among other celestial bodies or astronomical objects. To support these essential structures for scientific research, instruments are used (among […]

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Definition of compatibility

Compatibility is the condition of being compatible: that is, it can be harmonized, reconciled or coexist with something else. When two elements are compatible, they coincide or can coexist without harming each other. The concept of compatibility is used in different areas. Although its most frequent use occurs in computing, it also appears in […]

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Definition of anonymity

Anonymity is the condition or character of acting from the shadows, incognito and anonymously. It is, in short, a modality in which the author or person responsible for something remains hidden and unidentified since his or her real name is secret. The authorship of an artistic production (a song […]

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Definition of scalability

Scalability is the ability of a system, process or resource to adapt and handle an increase in user demands without losing its performance or functionality. In the context of technology and operating systems, scalability refers to the ability to handle an increase in workload of […]

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Definition of Coulomb's Law

Coulomb's law is one of the pillars of the branch of physics that is defined as electrostatics, in addition to having been very valuable in developing electromagnetic theory. Its name recalls the surname of Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, an engineer, physicist and mathematician of French origin who formulated this principle in 1785 after […]

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Definition of innovative

Innovative is an adjective that allows us to describe someone or something that innovates: that is, that introduces new things. Innovation is considered to contribute to the advancement of society through changes and improvements. There are innovative people in all areas, from science to art, business and sports. […]

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Definition of nuclear fission

Nuclear fission is the name given to a reaction that occurs when the nucleus of an atom ends up segmenting into at least a pair of lighter nuclei (which are considered fission products and are usually very radioactive). In this framework, a series of byproducts even arise (such as photons, alpha particles […]

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Definition of reliability

Reliability is the ability of a system, product or service to perform its functions with consistency and predictability over a given period of time and under various conditions. In other words, it is the extent to which one can depend or trust that something will work as expected without experiencing significant failures or interruptions. […]

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Definition of technological innovation

Technological innovation is the process carried out to design and create a new service, product or procedure, or improve existing ones, using technology. In this way, the result of the work represents an evolution or an advance. It should be noted that the idea of ​​innovation refers to developing or […]

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Definition of disconnection

Disconnection is the act and result of disconnecting: cutting the connection that exists between two or more elements. Generally, the concept of disconnection refers to the interruption of communication or link between devices or between devices and individuals. Nowadays, the idea of ​​disconnection is usually associated with the loss […]

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