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Definition of injector

Something that injects is called an injector. These devices are used to inject fluids: that is, to introduce a liquid into a place. Among the words that can function as synonyms for injector we find syringe, syringe, valve or irrigator, for example. Internal combustion engines have injectors that […]

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Definition of injection

The notion of injection, which derives from the Latin iniectio, has several uses. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the act and result of injecting: introducing a liquid or gas into something, providing a stimulus or a resource. The fluid that is injected is also called […]

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Definition of intranet

The term intranet is used in the field of computing to refer to an internal network within an organization. This type of infrastructure is used to share data and resources within a company or institution. Therefore, only members of the organization who are connected to an intranet are […]

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Definition of interruption

In order to understand the meaning of the term interruption, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from Latin, specifically from “interuptio”. This word means “action and effect of breaking into pieces and establishing a space between them” and is the result of […]

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Definition of flashing

The adjective intermittent, which comes from the Latin word intermittens, is used to describe something that slows down or stops and then continues or repeats itself. The concept can be used in different ways depending on the context. For example: “There are those who recommend intermittent fasting to lose weight”, “For several days the signal of […]

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Definition of interference

The first thing we are going to do to discover the meaning of the term interference is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it comes from English, specifically from the word “interference”. Exactly that is the result of the union of two different parts: the verb “interfere”, which can be translated as “to interfere”, and the […]

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Definition of interconnectivity

The concept of interconnectivity is not included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), where the term connectivity does appear: the ability to establish connections or to connect. The idea of ​​connecting, on the other hand, refers to achieving communication between two elements or linking two systems or devices together. Based on […]

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Definition of instructive

Instructive is an adjective used to describe something that allows for instruction: the transmission of knowledge, explanation, teaching. The term is also often used as a noun to refer to the text that has that purpose. For example: “The government gave an instruction to journalists who plan to cover the legislative session so that they are aware of […]

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Definition of installation

Installation is the act and consequence of installing: establishing, placing something in its proper place. The term can also refer to the set of installed elements and the space that has everything necessary for the development of a certain activity. For example: “They called me to tell me that they will come to my house tomorrow […]

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Definition of stainless

The adjective stainless is used to describe something that, due to its characteristics, does not rust. The idea of ​​oxidation, in turn, refers to the production of oxide: the compound resulting from the combination of oxygen with a metal or metalloid. A stainless element, therefore, does not rust when entering […]

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