

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of kernel

The English term kernel, which can be translated as “core”, is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Its use in our language, however, is quite frequent, especially in the field of computing. The term kernel is the software that makes up the essential part of an operating system. Through the kernel, the computer is able to […]

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Definition of JSON

The acronym JSON is derived from the English expression JavaScript Object Notation, which can be translated as JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight text format that allows data to be exchanged. JSON is based on a subset of JavaScript, an imperative, object-oriented, interpreted programming language that was developed by […]

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Definition of jQuery

jQuery is a JavaScript library that makes programming in this language easier. It is generally used to add interactive elements to a web page without having to program too much. In the field of computing, libraries are collections of resources and implementations that are used to create and manage web pages.

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Definition of JPEG

JPEG is the acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a committee of specialists who devised a standard for encoding and compressing digital images. JPEG is also the name of the format that identifies this type of document and the extension of the files in question. It can therefore be said that JPEG is […]

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Definition of joystick

Joystick is an English term that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) does not include in its dictionary, but which is frequently used in our language anyway. A joystick is an instrument that is used to control a system or device. A joystick is generally a lever that moves the device in a direction.

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Definition of syringe

The etymological origin of the term syringe can be found in Latin. Specifically, it comes from the word “syringa”, which can be translated as “emassage” or “syringe”. A Latin word that, in turn, comes from the Greek term “syrinx”, which is synonymous with “tube” or “cane”. A syringe is a device that is […]

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Definition of JavaScript

JavaScript is the name of a programming language: that is, a formal language that gives instructions to a computer to generate certain data. It is mainly used to produce interactive resources on a web page. Due to its characteristics, JavaScript is an imperative, prototype-based and object-oriented language. It is usually written in a […]

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Item definition

In order to proceed to discover the meaning of the term item, it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically from “item”, which can be translated as “in the same way” or “also”. The concept of item has several uses. The term can be used to refer to […]

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Definition of ISP

ISP is an acronym that can refer to a number of different things. These three letters usually refer to the English expression “Internet service provider”. An ISP, in this sense, is a company that offers Internet connection. This means that the Internet service providers […]

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Definition of irrigation

In order to understand the meaning of irrigation, we will first proceed to determine its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from the Latin «irrigatio», which can be translated as «spray» or «water» and that it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components: -The prefix «in-«, which means «inwards». […]

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